Looking at the map in detail
(not a leak, taken from the Pip-Boy app)
I think there is plenty here to keep us occupied.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/87106516/fo4_app_map.png *
(* stuck a few app screenshots together, trust it will suffice)
Looking at the map in detail
(not a leak, taken from the Pip-Boy app)
I think there is plenty here to keep us occupied.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/87106516/fo4_app_map.png *
(* stuck a few app screenshots together, trust it will suffice)
That png doesn't say much about anything though?
Well yes it does, it tells about the the grand layout of the map. And with the scale on both sides you can measure that it is 27,5 x 27,5= 742,5 grids. Now if we knew the size of each grid we can calculate the amount of playable area on the surface. Roughly, because of water and whatnot.
I still assume, and that is from the leaked screenshots that had a rough estimate of distance between the Vault and Sanctuary hills, that each grid is 100x100 (length unit). I calculated with metres, because I am european and came up with 2,75km x 2,7km= 7,43km2. That would mean that the distance northwest to southeast, would be 3,85 km. Considering I used to run 3km within 12 minutes, this seems sensible all in all.
Now I am pretty sure the game calculates with miles, but I do not know what that grid then means? Maybe a furlong? It needs to be on a scale though.
fallout 3 had 289 grid squares and fallout 4 is 742 like you pointed out and if the grids are the same size [and i do believe they are] and fallout 3 was aprox 14 sq miles which makes it about 3.75 x 3.75 miles both north to south and east to west, so if the grid squares are the same size then fallout is 2.5 times more playing area [even though some is water] than fallout 3 so that would make fallout 4 about 35 sq miles and aprox 5.9 x 5.9 miles both north to south and east to west so each grid square would be about .218 of a mile or slightly more than 1/5 a mile and calculating the distance the guy ran in the video he covered about 2.5 grid spaces each minute of mostly sprinting so thats about a half a mile each minute.
the squares on the map are not the same size between games FYI.
They aren't.
If you go by how many squares are on the map, NV would have less playable space then Fo3, when it actually has a little bit more.
There is no way to tell for certain that they are or aren't, unless someone has a source stating one way or the other. The only way to know for sure is to play the game. Based on what I saw on the video, I would say that it's a bit smaller than FO3. Still, won't know for sure until I play.
i'm not gonna complicate it by factoring in the NV map, it had a different shape but i don't think the playing area was really all that different, they're all aprox 15 sq miles give or take of playing area, i've done some rough comparison and the distance from the citadel to the jefferson memorial is aprox 2 grid squares and at the sprinting speed of the guy running in the FO4 map he could of easily made it from the citadel to the jefferson memorial in a minute, heck i can swim across the water in a minute in FO3 between the citadel and the jefferson memorial in about that time, and at that speed if you had a more or less straight line without any major obstacles and mostly FO4 sprinting speed you would be able to cover the 17 north to south grid squares in about 8 minutes and thats non stop FO4 sprinting with more or less straight line and no major obstacles.
compare how long it takes to run from megaton to super duper mart [thats about 1.75 grid], its a short distance and at FO4 sprinting speed it would only take about 45 seconds if that, so i think the grids are exactly the same size, from rivet city to the jefferson memorial is about 1.75 grids and you can get to the jefferson memorial from rivet city even without FO4 sprinting speed in less than a minute so i think the grids are exactly the same so that would make the overlay accurate which gives FO4 729 grids and FO3 289 grids and that would make FO4 aprox 2.5 times the area
Well that's cool, it means 4's map is plenty big enough and it's probably very dense as well. Thanks for the info man!
none of this is scientific but the guy running in the FO4 video at mostly a sprinting speed, non sop running and without obstacles you can cover a lot of ground in all the maps, whether skyrim, fallout 3, NV etc but most of us won't be going full speed without stopping and just running from one side of the map to the other so its really not the best indicator of size and the fact the guy did run across a not dense portion of the map without ever really stopping it makde it seem like the FO4 map was small but its not its bigger playing area then a lot of people think. the guy didn't run corner to corner exaclty and certainly not thru the dense city areas.
Yeah I kinda had a feeling that that guy's sprint run across the map wasn't quite an accurate measurement at all. For all we know he could have been using PC version with console commands and other misleading visual tactics.
That's why I think on Tuesday after day one patch and everything, that this guy's little sprint stunt will be thoroughly debunked and deconstructed. Good work Spock!
That's what I thought too at first, but how have all these PC screenshots and ultra settings to boot, been getting leaked?
PC has leaked (probably review copy) he used console commands (TGM) and also got the PC key prompts.
Nope no concerns here, I am more likely to be looking for stuff then sprinting to and fro.
I doubted the PC screenshots myself a lot. As I have seen the stream I was convinced. I did watch only a part of it to not get spoiled to much. But the positive effect was that many bad myths about the game where corrected in watching this stuff (mostly graphic related ones). So I don't regret it.
Oh no worries, I just think these leakers are purposefully trying to ruin and spoil this game for us Fallout fans anyway they can. I predict they're gonna fail miserably in their attempt.
We see from leaked footage the guy uses a mouse to change the pip boy light color