2. Stealth basically controls the game
3. they say you run like a cheetah meanwhile you really dont even run that fast
4. sprinting takes energy
5. they say your a supersoldier when all you have is armor and stealth when armor is basically useless and stealth is just overderpowered to me
6. it takes 2 melees to kill somebody meanwhile you have super strength?
7.they say that you have super strength yet i dont see anything that has to do with that anywhere in the campaign.
8.energy drains too quickly from sprinting
9.only the scar is basically a good assault rifle, the scarab is more of a smg (opinion)
10. Just the point that the game is about how the nanosuit makes you a super human soldier yet it doesent
11. um you die just as quick as a regular soldier would??
ideas to fix these: make your sprinting twice as fast as it is and reduce the energy drain by it maybe 20 percent? armor should be made instant. you die too quickly from bullets even though you have 120 health, it drains too quickly in my opinion so they should make it like u have 150 health. when you melee it should be instant kill. more guns and fix some of them. instead of kicking cars you should be able to lift them and then throw them. besides armor and stealth maybe add some more abilities for power like being able to lift things and throw them and other abilities. in campaign armor gave u situational awareness such as increased sound from objects and it made your vision zoom in a lil bit, do this for the MP as well. For crysis 3, instead of having the default stealth and armor maybe you could be able to choose what powers you want you nanosuit to have such as in MP you can program your nanosuit to have stealth and some other ability besides armor, either that or just add some abilities for armor stealth and power.
These are all opinions and if you agree or disagree please post