God forbid you actually have to kill more than you die. IMO people will still play selfishly regardless of leader boards. When the game releases I'd like to see proof of you guys winning the majority of your games while playing on a team with players that get more deaths than kills. I look forward to it. Objectives or not guess what....you still have to kill people.
Well depending on the game and how much practice I get, I can usually maintain a 1.5-3.0 KDR. Not great, but not shabby. Hell, in MAG that was borderline-elite. I'd still rather KDRs, including mine, weren't publicized in that game because it's created a division in the community, to the point where on the forums some of the more elitist players disregard your opinions as a member and player if your KDR is below 2.0 and just call you "scrub". You just have to look to the CoD community to see how aggressive and abrasive people get over the stat. It makes for an incredibly un-welcoming gaming experience.
And FYI, I've played games of MAG where I've lost even though a majority of the enemy has gone negative - they got a LOT of kills and lot more deaths, because they pushed relentlessly and kept us worn thin. Positive KDR =/= game-winning.
Fact is, if KDRs are out in the open, they become a way of judging players. People will look to your KDR to derive your level of credibility. As a result, people begin to pad their stats almost. This is where that selfish play comes in, when people are more concerned with keeping a good KDR, than playing for the
team... yenno, the way Brink's
supposed to be played.
I'd love to forget about KDR but I can't. If I finish a round of BC2 and only get 1.3 I think "wow that was [censored], you can do better than that". It becomes particularly frustrating when lag and hit detection play a huge part. I'll get wound up trying to bring it up along with my self-esteem, even if it means losing the match because I don't give it my all on the objective side of things.
There may very well be selfish play in Brink, but not so much if KDR is abolished. It's best to keep that elitist element at bay.