What if, in the game, some of the quests ARE to get the NCR back on their feet, and help the people?
Personally, I think the NCR is pretty messed up, and if they were a goody two shoes type of organization, that'd be great I agree.
However, their structure is horrible and don't think they deserve a second chance when they messed up the first one so badly (in my book).
Much like the uncivilized world when Rome came to power I think that restarting our civilization should go through the paces again, if we try to skip ahead of ourselves, we're bound to repeat the mistakes that lead us to global war. (Aside from the whole alien intervention thing of the fallout-universe, talking about the RL situation, which I know you understand where I'm coming from.)
All in all, I'm playing an evil character my first playthrough so this whole polite debate is just to show people that the Legion isn't all bad, or at least have them look at it a second time.