See, i like your opinions on things, and i like how you can have a civilized debate about something that seems to draw major conflict on this forum. I think Caesar would get the job done faster, but once again.. with Caesar, he wants to control by taking over completely and being in complete control of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, and he may seem great now, but i think if he got full control of the mojave wasteland, and vegas as a whole, he would be a very corrupt person (as he seems now). The military (coming from the slaver background) would be cruel and quite controlling. With the NCR you're saying they're worried about obtaining power of all the resources and worried about the politics. I think when you're in a situation like that, that's how you'd start off bringing back a normal civilized democracy. If you think about it, the NCR is kind of "just starting out" if you'd like to word it like that. Once the NCR has control of all the remaining resources, and has the majority following them, they can ration out the resources which would bring peace to most people, and they would bring the laws, and rules that are fundamental for running a civilization. Idk if it's true but i've seen around the forums that eventually you can take control of the faction or something? in a RP'ing sense, once you're leader you can basically do anything you want to a certain extent. If you were leader with all the resources and everyone looking up to you, you could really make a change for the better (especially since everyone in that situation is looking for someone who will shelter and provide to their needs).
as for the IRL roleplay haha! yeah exactly those things are vicious, but i think NCR has the most protection, they have the most men and most area (as far as i know)

, I'm not sure if Caesar wants to control everything/body but I haven't met him in-game and I have yet to see his political circle (for example if he alone makes decisions or if there is some kind of senate or voting). May I ask why you think that Caesar is a "corrupt person" ?(being a former member of the 'Apoc' and teaching tribals the basics of survival and to stop them from fighting with each other in the begining). I agree that the military side of the equation is less than ideal, and they're most likely pretty harsh. Vulpes is a good example. I stated what I thought the NCR should have focused on in my latest post, The NCR rationing off food and water is not exactlly what I would call democracy, there should be a free market, or at least some kind of open trade situation set in place so people don't have to rely on the military for their lively hood. I'm ignoring the possibilities of taking over a faction from within because it's not confirmed, and in such a case NCR would probably be better if we had "unlimited" choices to make, but we won't we'll have 2-3 if we can indeed take over.
It's been said in videos that the NCR is having a hard time keeping the legion at bay and is having an even harder time protecting people in the areas that it controls.
I understand where you're coming from but it's kind of hard to help the people when you have the CL and other factions trying to steal your resources. And from what i know, the NCR is helping the people, they just aren't to organized about it. From what i know, they need a new leader and thats where i'm gunna try and come in. :whistling:
I agree that now the NCR has to focus on it's immediate threats as of now, but before they heard wind of the legion's coming they should of done a better job. I agree they may need a new leader, both factions may, but for my decision I know more about Caesar than this "ghost" who controls the NCR, I don't even know his name or how he started the NCR, I didn't play Fallout 2. I like your opinions on the topic as well