I like altmer as long as they are not part of the aldmeri dominion, because no one likes a thalmor.
What does everyone else think?
I like altmer as long as they are not part of the aldmeri dominion, because no one likes a thalmor.
What does everyone else think?
Altmer is my second favorite race. I like them and their snobby attitude, as long as they aren't part of the Thalmor. If they are, they meet the business end of my blade.
I don't know...That snobby attitude is what gets them killed in the first place.
"I ams higher than yous!"
I play as an Altmer joining the SC, though. Quite fun.
They're my favourite race, I love their cocky attitude, and elitism as a race that can outlive all the other races and have insane magical powers SHOULD be like this. Too many humble elves in fantasy stories.
I also like the thalmor too. In skyrim ive roleplayed a few altmer thalmor, who end up going against the thalmor once they find out they're dragonborn and the thalmor see them as a threat.
The superficial: I like how they look and they are stylish.
The other part: They have an interesting culture & history that i wish to see more of (though that could be said of any TES race whose homeland I haven't visited yet)
Their snobby attitude: I think that's a joke. I mean, there's obviously a fair amount of elitism in Altmer culture, but they're individuals, no? Just because they are so stereotyped, especially in Skyrim, I like to make my Altmer characters atypical although not necessarily the exact opposite of how they are portrayed.
They're alright.
Their culture is the second-most interesting to me (the first being the Argonians 'cause I bet they have the craziest stuff in Tamriel, bar none) and I sincerely hope the next game takes place in or near their province.
Racial stereotypes, while fun to poke fun at (cause it's totally okay to do it with fictional races), are dumb. Ulundil has got to be the most chill Altmer ever and it would be awesome to meet more Altmer like him.
Plus, something about their tall stature and golden skin tone that does it for me.
In most TES games I seem to end up as a Dunmer Assassin or an Altmer Mage.There's nothing like playing a haughty, intellectually superior, Altmer Mage.
You do realize Thalmor does not equal the entirety of the Aldmeri Dominion, correct? It's not like the Altmer just all got together and stamped their Thalmor Membership Cards when Summerset became Alinor.
As for my thoughts on them...I like them. Granted I feel the Dominion is the logical successor state to Tiber Septim's Vanity Project, but overall the Altmer have an interesting culture and philosophy.
I like 'em! The fact that they have English VA may have something to do with that!
And the English VA probably contributes to people disliking them as well, thanks to Hollywood for ever portraying villans as English.
Not a great fan of them and prefer Dunmer for my elf type characters.
This is one of the reasons I actually like them better after TES 5, anybody who is hated by the "HURR DURR iMA FUSroDAH VYKING Dragnslyer of Skyrem" crowd is a friend of mine.
PSJJJJ along with the Chimer/Dunmer in general and House Telvanni are probably my favourite groups in Tamriel. I'm not a fan of much of their mainland ideology or decadence however their achievements as a race as well as their usage of magic and naval power have always interested me. They're one of my favourite races and also produce a surprising variety of NPCs ranging from Ondolemar to Ulundil. I also like their weapons and armour and general incorporation of the Auri-el 'Eagle' design in it.
I'd say Altmer mages/sorcerers on my top-tier of used races along with Dunmer for everything and Redguard warriors. Plus I've always liked the idea of 'converting' my Altmer characters into Daedra worshippers.
I don't like their attitude and I certainly don't approve of their snotty British accent. There are a few High Elves who are cool. Calcelmo and Runil for instant. Is Enthir a Altmer or Bosmer? I always forget.
I like them, and for some reason like their Aldmeri Dominion. Maybe it's because it feels bad liking the Thlamor is why I like them, but I do. Even when they see me as a threat, I just pat them on the heads and laugh.
I love their lore though, and when you read into it you can see why they wanna trample on man. Look what the Nords did to the Snow Elves, in turn making Snow Elves go underground and slowly become Falmer. So, naturally, they would blame that incident on Nords and perceive them as a threat, perhaps thinking Nords would try and conquer them next? Just a theory of "Get your enemy before they get you."
But this doesn't come down to reasons with them, they have a lot of arrogance which sometimes suits the character. But we can't define them by snobbish Thalmor, cause not all of them are like that.
That said, I do like Ondolemar (from Markarth). His arrogance is somewhat attractive (;
The only High Elf I've ever truly hated was Ancano. Eugh. >.<
Altmer has always been my favorite race in every TES game.
Reason is simply that they are better. They are the best mages in Tamriel. They are the most intelligent and longest living race. They are the closest race to the Aldmeri of old, they have the Psijics which take a piss on anyone calling itself a good mage. They are, simply enough, superior.
Who doesn't want to be the best?
And despite their reputation vast majority of Altmer in TES seires have been decent people with the stereotypical buffoons in small minority. If you don't count the Thalmor, there's only two in Skyrim (the ones in Solitude).
All Altmer who are Thalmor are members of the Aldmeri Dominion, but not all Altmer who are members of the Aldmeri Dominion are Thalmor.
Personally, I'm Khajiit-exclusive, and want an Elsweyr free of both the Empire and the Dominion.
I have slowly built up a dislike for them. Too many unlikable Altmer NPCs in Morrowind...another heavy dose in Oblivion...now the Thalmor. If I must deal with elves I opt for Dunmer. Unless I am particularly motivated for a role-playing challenge my characters generally reflect this view.
Hah, this is pretty much my exact thoughts on this, too!
In fact I like the Psijics and their Old Ways so much I'm really hoping we get to see more of them in the future!
It's hard to put them on a list of "favorite races" because I find all the races to have sweet little tidbits, but when it comes to actually gameplay, they're right behind the Dunmer.
A Psijic Order DLC would be cool.
Can you define what it means to be a "part" of the Aldmeri Dominion?
Because time I checked, the Thalmor is a political party that is hardly representative of the population of Summerset, much less all Altmer.
But to stay on topic, the Altmer are my favorite race of Mer. It has to do with the fact that they are the purest remnants of a precursor race that was highly influential throughout Tamriel.
As a person who favors the Khajiit as well I would like to see Elsweyr free from them as well. Sadly I have had no luck in finding anything that suggests that the Khajiit suspect foul-play, though that may be from a lack of information given to us by the developers. One would imagine that a few do at the very least.
On the topic of Altmer, I do not care for them. While there are some good ones that I like, like the one guy in the Bard's Collage, and the stale owner in Windhelm, the majority are aggravating. As most had said they snobbish and arrogant. While I dislike the Dunmer more, especially since my character's story in past games features them as enslaving villains, the Altmer get on my nerves as well. More so the Thalmor than the race as a whole.
I like them much better when they're not using subtle machinations to alienate Hammerfell from Cyrodiil, plunge Skyrim into civil war, and allow them to devour all of Tamriel one piece at a time.
The ones who want to do that should be fed to dragons.