First of all, will there be property ownership in Elder Scrolls Online and if not then do you think there should be? Personally I would like to see players having the ability to own not only houses (ie. Skyrim's home in Whiterun breezehome) but also shops, trading stalls, and more. Now I am aware that player to player trading will be in ESO but i'm wondering about actual structures within the game purchased by players for the purpose of that trade. I believe that shop ownership would benefit not only players who decide to level up their crafting abilities, but also players who require quick access to the crafted items, or for example players seeking a unique sword but don't have the ability to make that sword. An example would be a dragonknight with a low enchanting ability wanting a one-handed sword with a fire enchant, so he purchases it from a player's shop for a certain price or service. Of course location will be a factor since cyrodil will be a pvp zone, but I'm sure that won't stop everyone. Then there's the option to set up within allied borders and sell strictly to your allies. Please answer my question if possible and give me your personal input on the subject.