What is your opinion on Todd Howard? Personally, I love the guy, I think he's a legend for what he's done, and I stand by most his decisions regarding TES. However, I frequently see people hating on him, labelling him as a troll, etc. People claim he is a liar of sorts, but I'm confused as to how. 'Spears are impossible to implement due to engine limitations' is something he is often quoted on when being called a liar, which irritates me, because maybe they were initially seemingly not possible/practical to have in vanilla Skyrim? Also, the amount of YouTube videos featuring a quote of his, accompanied with 'Little Lies' in the background, is ridiculously high. I've even seen some people refer to him as H'oward the Liar! (Which admittedly made me chuckle)
Do you like Todd Howard? Seems to me most TES fans don't...
PS. Whoever comments 'nice try Todd' or something along those lines wins the award of the most unoriginal joke of the year.