So, the basic facts for my build are:
- I’m going to buy all DLCs, so level 50 is the cap for me.
- I won’t be using VATS much, if at all. I definitely won’t spend perks on it.
- Maximizing the chance for critical hits is one of my primary goals.
- I’m planning to use stealth quite a bit, but not all the time.
- I won’t limit myself to guns or energy weapons but will use both, unless one totally dominates the other one.
- Since I’m a powergamer at heart, the build should be very viable even on Very Hard and as obscenely overpowering as possible.
I’d really appreciate any advice and constructive criticism.
Depending on the weapons I choose in the end, I might transfer a point or two from ST to IN or AG.
- ST: 5 + 1 (implant) + 2 (OWB enhancement) = 8
Enough to wield almost all the weapons without penalty.
- PE: 5 + 1 (implant) = 6
Without ?Better Criticals“ this would be another dump stat for me.
- EN: 9 + 1 (implant) = 10
Best attribute in my opinion. I want as much hit points and implants as possible.
- CH: 1 + 1 (implant) = 2
I prefer a very strong PC instead of more capable companions.
- IN: 3 + 1 (implant) = 4
With the level 50 cap an extremely high IN seems rather pointless.
- AG: 7 + 1 (implant) = 8
Faster reloads are nice, but putting more points here seems excessive when not using VATS. Or would you go for 10 to maximize damage output (quicker reloading = more shooting)?
- LU: 9 + 1 (implant) = 10
Maxing out the critical hit chance.
- Built to Destroy
Pretty much crucial for any crit build.
- Skilled
At first, I’ve been torn between “Skilled” and “Fast Shot”, but the more I read about “Fast Shot” the less appealing it seems. But hey, please feel free to convince me of the advantages of “Fast Shot” if you think it’s worth it.
This is probably not the final version since choosing the weapon loadout (and the according perks) is still my main problem.
- Level 2: Black Widow
- Level 4: Educated
- Level 6: Light Touch
- Level 8: Cowboy OR Grunt (IF using Cowboy or Grunt weapons)
- Level 10: Finesse
- Level 12: Bloody Mess
- Level 14: Jury Rigging
- Level 16: Better Criticals
- Level 18: Hand Loader
- Level 20: The Professional (IF using pistols, revolvers or SMGs)
- Level 22: Laser Commander (IF using laser weapons)
- Level 24: Rapid Reload
- Level 26: Toughness 1
- Level 28: Toughness 2
- Level 30: Implant GRX 1
- Level 32: Implant GRX 2
- Level 34: Chemist (Boosts the effect of Implant GRX.)
- Level 36: Living Anatomy
- Level 38: Silent Running
- Level 40: Fight the Power!
- Level 42: Travel Light
- Level 44: Tunnel Runner
- Level 46: Lifegiver
- Level 48: Quick Draw
- Level 50: Just Lucky I'm Alive (LR)
The usual stuff like 1st Recon Beret and Ulysses’ Duster to max out the crit chance:
[10% (LU 10) + 3% (Built to Destroy) + 5% (Finesse) + 5% (1st Recon beret) + 5% (Ulysses' Duster)] * crit % multiplier + 5% (Light Touch) + 10% (Laser Commander) + 4% (Set Lasers to Fun),
so that chance for a critical hit is
28 % * crit % multiplier + 5% for guns,
28 % * crit % multiplier + 9% for non-laser energy weapons and
28 % * crit % multiplier + 19% for lasers.
The game offers a plethora of great weapons. A lot of them are totally viable, but I’d really like to know which guns and energy weapons are the best of the best in the following categories in conjunction with a high crit build:
a) A very accurate scoped long-range weapon for the use while sneaking.
If I’m correctly informed, stealthed attacks count as some sort of critical hit anyway, so the crit % multiplier of the weapon should be irrelevant. My favorite pick right now is Christine's COS Silencer Rifle due to the silencer, but I’m not sure if the sheer stopping power of the AMR would be better in the long run. Any energy weapons which can compete?
b) An all-purpose gun for mid to long range combat.
I’ve been considering Medicine Stick and Survivalist Rifle, but both don’t seem to be able to (ab)use the power of a critical hit build due to their low multiplier. Is there an energy weapon with high crit % multiplier which can surpass them?
c) A really hard hitting close-quarters combat “Get out of my face!”-weapon to punish anything that dares to get close to my character.
Riot Shotgun with the according perks? An automatic weapon powered up by the Grunt perk?
d) A durable sidearm which gets rid of all the pesky rodents and crawlers in an inexpensive, economical way.
Perhaps Lucky (bonuses from Cowboy and The Professional), A Light Shining in Darkness (bonuses from Grunt and The Professional) or MF Hyberbreeder Alpha (bonuses from Laser Commander and The Professional)? Something completely different?
Even better if several of these wishes can be fulfilled by one gun. Please assume that I get all the corresponsing perks which bolster certain guns.
Thanks in advance for your input.