Option to instantly unlock modules/weapons and attachments?

Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:10 pm

(I didn't find any topics about this suggestion in a quick look, so sorry, if this has been already suggested)

After having played a lot of games, which use XP-system where you just grind XP to unlock things, I have started to get annoyed of the system. It's starting to get annoying to be forced to grind XP to unlock a cool looking weapon only to find, that it doesn't suit to the playstyle or it's absolutely terrible. Heck, some times I have not been able to unlock "that cool looking weapon" before I have gotten bored of the game. For example, I didn't get the chance to even try the Mike weapon in Crysis 2's multiplayer.

Anyway, I'm suggesting to have an option to unlock all the modules, weapons and their attachments in Crysis 3. The player's rank would still be the same, the player wouldn't just need to spend awful amount of time to be in the same line with the more experienced players. Modules would be also able to be upgraded to max level to give less disadvange from not having used specific modules in their loadouts a lot.

Opinions about this suggestion?
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:23 am

What's the point of playing when you having nothing to look forward to?
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:26 am

What I think Crytek should do is unlock everything in the Crysis 2 multiplayer, its not like the current player base is big enough to matter.

For Crysis 3 make unlocks XP based rather than kills based because at the moment it feels like playing crash site for XP, then IA for weapon and module upgrades kills.

What should be changed for Crysis 3 is having everything unlocked only on unranked servers, and leave ranked servers for the competitive side like the Closed ladder seasons for Diablo 2.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:23 am

I don't think everything should be available right from the beginning. Having a goal to work towards is what helps to keep things interesting. Although I take your point that there was quite a lot of pointless grinding in Crysis 2. The reboot is the biggest PITA. Having all your modules completely reset 5 times is tiresome. A more intelligent reboot would be better, you don't start back at 0. Any modules you have upgraded are not completely wiped. For example if you have AS3 a reboot would maybe take you back to 2 etc. 5 reboots is also excessive, 3 would have been better.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:52 pm

What's the point of playing when you having nothing to look forward to?
Some players can enjoy games without having goals like unlocking content. Sure, having XP system can make the game more interesting, but some times it's just plain annoying.

Just look at games like Quake. They don't have any "Get 1000XP to unlock Rocket Launcher!" things, but people still play them, even after having started to be really good in them.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:16 am

What's the point of playing when you having nothing to look forward to?


Do you mean like the kits in Battlefield?
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:33 pm

What's the point of playing when you having nothing to look forward to?


Do you mean like the kits in Battlefield?
The kits just instantly unlocks certain things? Yes, but it would be free :P
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:16 am

What's the point of playing when you having nothing to look forward to?


Do you mean like the kits in Battlefield?
The kits just instantly unlocks certain things? Yes, but it would be free :P

I don't think so, they want to keep people playing for as long as possible, just having a free unlock would make a lot of people bored, it seems to by psychological.
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