Depends how annoying they are. If they are like Morrowind Cliff-Racers then you'll probably have a mod for it a day after the modding kit is released. if not, eventually someone is gonna make a mod like that, but I honestly doubt Bethesda is gonna start censoring or toggling on and off things that relate to phobias, because if they do they'll have a lot of work on their hands. But I don't know for sure, so maybe there will be a toggle option.
Phobias happen. Hell I'm a major arachnophobe, but I didn't download the No Spiders mod, purely because...I chose to nut up and introduce Mr. Daddy Long Legs to the end of my sword.
While certainly a valid request, they can't accommodate every phobia...
What about people with Agoraphobia? Should we ask for an option to have the game take place all indoors?
Or what about people with Arrehphobia? Should we ask for an option to turn all male NPC's into women?
Mods have turned Dragon Age spiders into bears, and Skyrim spiders into Spiderman. Modders recognise that creepy-crawlies can be a barrier. You'll have to wait a few months for the GECK to release, but someone will handle it.
I have an insect phobia, too. The giant ants in 3 and NV really squicked me out. The radroaches are even worse. But it just motivates me more to want to kill them and when I do, all is right with the world.
I have arachnophobe and I found playing in 3rd person with the camera zoomed out a little makes it much easier. I couldn't stand fighting spiders in skyrim until I start playing in 3rd person and same for scorpions in Fallout. I still don't like fighting them but it's easier.
The best way to get over any phobia is to confront it head on. The Fallout way is to kill EVERY MOTHERTRUCKIN INSECT WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE.
I totally understand though, If I would develop a phobia it would probably be related to Cazadors because damn.
People have different levels of phobia, some cant even stand to gaze upon the aspect of their phobia. It is a mental condition that everyone faces differently, while it is great that digital renditions do not shut you down others who suffer are not as fortunate as you.
On topic, Unfortunately i doubt you will find a helpful option in the vanilla game, i agree with the fine posters who already mentioned you will most likely have to wait for a mod.
Yah know it's completely possible to 'unlearn' a phobia. Psychologists do it all the time. Some of their more popular suggestions? Start with facing spiders/bugs in game.
God I hate rad scorpions, but yeah... Can't expect the world to cater to my tastes. I'll either accept they're in the game or have to look elsewhere.
I dislike killing molerats too, but thats because they're so [censored] cute!
EDIT and PS: I have a tendency to social phobia in real life. That is MY problem and MY thing to fix. It's not other people's problem, nor is it society's responsibility to limit all social gatherings to eg. 8 people maximum.
I have Vertigo yet have learned to handle it. In Fallout 3: The Pitt when you have to go up onto the top of the blast furnace my heart was missing several beats lol.
Oh and I learned to handle my fear of heights by... SKYDIVING. I still have Vertigo but I know I can handle it. Still get the collywobbles when I am high up in video games though (guess I shouldn't have got a 55" TV lol).
Yeah it's supposed to be gradual desensitization. Like imaging snakes, looking at cartoonish representations of snakes, holding HD pictures of snakes, playing with toy snakes, going to the zoo and watching snakes in their exhibit, holding lazy and/or defanged and/or drugged snakes and then graduating to walking around with an anaconda like feathered boa. If you only do one thing and stop you'll only be desensitized to that one thing.
Not to mention their only purpose was to distract you from the real enemies on the screen.
Maybe if they introduced more competent radroaches they'd actually be a threat. I mean Gazador-level threat.
All i feel like saying is the following: SHOOT DAT FRIGGIN BUG WITH A FAT MAN IT WON'T BUG YOU ANYMORE! Just convince yourself that the power armor will make you squish them c:
Ugh.. its a game. People were storming normandy beach.
I never had arachnaphobia, or so i thought. But some bad experiences coupled with skyrims creepy spiders just made me uncomfortable around them. Now i dont go screaming and running off, but i cringe at seeing a spider, and will not ever touch them.
Luckily for me, besides being grossed out and slightly creeped out, i can handle seeing them ingame without having to stop playing or replacing them. I do hope that modders might find a way to replace some creatures to accomadate those of you with phobia's cause just like i hope Motion sickness in games is taken serious (i hate shaky cam ) i dont like it when a group of people with a physical or mental obstacle get railroaded by a game (looking at you TombRaider
That said, you always have your trusty
Mods are the only way to go. Or just get a companion and let them do the squishing while you look elsewhere.
any game that requires me to go in the ocean. i usually end up stop playing. sharks just [censored] me up mentally. and i still play subnautica. and i have A.R.K. megladons..... NEVER GOING IN THE WATER