Orc Assassin?

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:47 pm

Okay, so I have played a good amount of skyrim and was wondering if anyone played as a Orc assassin? I love the the skill the orc gets but he seems more like a running though war hammer swinging kind of guy.... what you guys think? Reason I ask is becuase running around skyrim as the cat I tend to get owned by trolls, frost spiders. It's kinda hard to sneak out in the the open and the only place I have been able to be sneaky like is in the DGNs.
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Add Meeh
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:55 pm

I play my Orc Rogue all the time. Was my first character. I was set on Orc since I saw that first screenshot. I tend to always create a stealth based character the first time round.

I rarely use Beserker Rage, however, unless there's someone I'm massivly struggling to kill. But my sneak multipliers usually take care of everything. I never play a TES game with racial bonuses in mind. It cheapens it. If anything, you should create a character that would be a "bad" choice for a certain playstyle.

Don't underestimate 1h, though. The bonuses from them are crazy. Never met a standard enemy I couldn't take care of sneaking with two daggers. And it's not really all that hard to pull off.
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Anna Watts
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:12 pm

Currently my game is played with a Orc rogue as well, pretty cool combo.
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Maria Leon
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