I vote for hammer. Two important orcish unique weapons are warhammers and the Daedric prince of orcs favors them.
BTW: one of the uniques has extra high speed and is totally devastating when used with elemental fury.
Scaled, because of the dead beast around your shoulder.
hmm, looks like I forgot, as I am on the PC and got a mod that made a lot of missing armor upgradeable. And I do see this armor dropped a lot, or at least found in treasure chests.
Volendrung is a warhammer so i vote warhammers.
and this.
Besides warhammers are awesome,one of my favorite weapons.
Definitely ad some blocking to your build with the light armor you will appreciate it,I like to get the bashing perks up the right side of the blocking tree for two-handers.
my thoughts exactly, also warhammers are strong and blunt like an Orc barbarian
theres not much lore to the preference of weapon but seeing how mallacaths artifact is the warhammer then id say it would be hammers that orcs use (lore-wise)
There's also Savior's Hide for a unique light animal based armor.