Since I'll rely mostly on combat skills, I was thinking Warrior or Steed would suit me the best. But from the other angle I think that Lady sign would help me boost my personality at the very beginning so I would be more accepted among people. On the other hand, I think that I should get around being disliked by bribing people, so I wouldn't need Lady sign after all.
Soooo....what do you think about choosing Warrior/Steed (I'm leaning more towards Steed) and choosing speechcraft as a minor skill and then use bribing to raise disposition?
Or do you think choosing Lady sign would be a better option? Or do you have any other idea regarding birthsigns?
Apart from that, I have a basic idea about major and minor skills, I was thinking like that:
Attributes: Endurance, Strength
Major: Acrobatics, Armorer, Axe, Block, Heavy armor
Minor: Athletics, Security, Speechcraft, Spear, (don't know yet)
I decided to stick with one type of armor-heavy, so despite the large boost + 10 to Medium Armor I think having two armors as major skills or one as a major and second as a minor isn't the best idea. I think axes and spears cover enough different weapons and block is a necessity. I'm planning to combine either axe + shield or spear only combat. I chose both Acrobatics and Athletics, because I want my Orc to be a skilled and swift swimmer and traveller, thus surviving large falls, jumping high distances etc besides training these two is easy and fun. I decided for security because there are many trapped containers / locked doors and I'll probably use it a lot. I'm still in dillema about speechcraft and haven't yet made up my mind about the fifth skill, so any input would be welcome.
And another question - is H-t-H effective against ghosts? Because if it is, I might choose it as a secondary skill, thus relying on H-t-H in case I don't have a proper weapon (silver or higher) to attack.
Thanks for all your help!!