Orc build: birthsign, skills help

Post » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:17 am

I'm planning to start new MW playthrough and I decided to go with Orc, because I've never (not even in Oblivion/Skyrim) done an Orc playthrough. I heard that people will generally dislike me, so I think this will make the game even more challenging. However, I have some doubts about choosing a birthsign, let me explain my dilemma:

Since I'll rely mostly on combat skills, I was thinking Warrior or Steed would suit me the best. But from the other angle I think that Lady sign would help me boost my personality at the very beginning so I would be more accepted among people. On the other hand, I think that I should get around being disliked by bribing people, so I wouldn't need Lady sign after all.

Soooo....what do you think about choosing Warrior/Steed (I'm leaning more towards Steed) and choosing speechcraft as a minor skill and then use bribing to raise disposition?
Or do you think choosing Lady sign would be a better option? Or do you have any other idea regarding birthsigns?

Apart from that, I have a basic idea about major and minor skills, I was thinking like that:

Attributes: Endurance, Strength
Major: Acrobatics, Armorer, Axe, Block, Heavy armor
Minor: Athletics, Security, Speechcraft, Spear, (don't know yet)

I decided to stick with one type of armor-heavy, so despite the large boost + 10 to Medium Armor I think having two armors as major skills or one as a major and second as a minor isn't the best idea. I think axes and spears cover enough different weapons and block is a necessity. I'm planning to combine either axe + shield or spear only combat. I chose both Acrobatics and Athletics, because I want my Orc to be a skilled and swift swimmer and traveller, thus surviving large falls, jumping high distances etc besides training these two is easy and fun. I decided for security because there are many trapped containers / locked doors and I'll probably use it a lot. I'm still in dillema about speechcraft and haven't yet made up my mind about the fifth skill, so any input would be welcome.

And another question - is H-t-H effective against ghosts? Because if it is, I might choose it as a secondary skill, thus relying on H-t-H in case I don't have a proper weapon (silver or higher) to attack.

Thanks for all your help!!
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:45 am

Doesn't really matter what Race you pick, everyone will hate you in Morrowind. :smile: (until you get some decent Reputation)

The Warrior = Helpful at the start of the game, but never really feels like that much of a bonus at all.
The Steed = Only take if running fast is a big concern for you.
The Lady = A great sign, but most combat characters usually start with a nice boost to Endurance anyways. I feel that starting with anything over 60 Endurance can make things too easy, but the Personality bonus is very nice, especially if Speechcraft is a Minor skill.
I usually choose The Thief for warriors. 10 points of Sanctuary helps when you're constantly in melee combat, and it functions regardless of how depleted your Fatigue might be.

Speechcraft is very handy and I think it's a lot of fun, since bribing people is a constant occurrence. The Lady birthsign would be helpful here too, since Orcs don't have any Personality bonus.

Block, Armorer, Heavy Armor, Security, and Axe are excellent choices. And I love Spear, the extra range is very fun.

I would take Medium Armor as a Minor. Why not have more options for gear? And Orcs get a nice bonus in it.

Hand-to-Hand will damage ghosts/undead/daedric etc. Although it's not a very reliable form of attack, since it damages the enemy's Fatigue first.

My thoughts.....

Attributes: Agility, Strength
Birthsign: The Lady
Major: Acrobatics, Armorer, Axe, Block, Heavy armor
Minor: Athletics, Security, Speechcraft, Spear, Medium Armor


Attributes: Endurance, Strength
Birthsign: The Thief
Major: Acrobatics, Armorer, Axe, Block, Heavy armor
Minor: Athletics, Security, Speechcraft, Spear, Medium Armor

Personally I would never pick Athletics, but it's better than taking The Steed birthsign if you want to move a bit faster.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:25 am

Thanks for your reply!

Which skill would you pick instead of athletics?

I'll do some thinking about choosing Lady or Thief and will probably use Medium Armor then as a fifth minor skill.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:54 am

I'm not sure how much you're roleplaying vs just playing the game normally. If you're interested in the effectiveness of the http://morrowind.inventivegamer.com/tools/chargen/?character=2,8,5,1,1,6,21,2,7,1,4,9,19,26,8,3, I find having 3 Endurance skills with Endurance starting at 85 a bit overkill. H2H is a really fun skill, so for the sake of balance I would advocate a skill governed by either Speed or Agility.

If you're roleplaying, that's another thing altogether, but I'm not sure you'd be asking us about your character in that case.

One of the best things about Morrowind is that you almost can't go wrong with your class, so in the end, it doesn't matter much what you choose. The base of your build is solid enough, so the fifth minor skill and the birthsign can't seriously screw anything up.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:03 am

This is a great site, thank you, it's easier to plan things via that generator.
I might try with H-t-H, never used it so far, so perhaps it'll be fun.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:56 pm

one thing to note with H2H... in morrowind it damages fatigue first and only starts to damage health once they are unconcious from the loss of fatigue which can be frustrating at times...
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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