Orc EnchantWarriorConjurer Advice Needed

Post » Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:01 am

So I want to make a buff Orc based on a build suggested on the forum.

So his focus is:


Heavy Armour




So far I've made it to level 7 following these skills and it is a pretty fun build.

A couple things tho:

Should I precast my conjured followers so they follow me into battle? Or should I always wait for battle to begin and cast while in combat? There seem to be differing advantages depending so I wanted to get people's opinions.

What is the best way to go about getting soul gems? This is my first character that is focusing on enchanting. Are there more soul gem specific areas for loot?

Is it okay to put NO perks into blocking as I'm not using a shield? I don't think the block perks applied to blocking with weapons, or do they?

Also my main question: health/magicka/stamina ratio:

I've been very much on the fence, so as of level 7 his stats are:

130 Magicka, 130 Health, 100 Stamina

I've heard to not touch stamina and follow a 3:1 ration magicka:health, does this make sense or can you think of a better ratio?

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Matt Terry
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Post » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:04 am

Cast them once you're detected, that way you gain experience.

Nearly all the Block perks apply to Two Handed. The Quick Reflexes perk will save your life.
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:25 am

Hmm, poop, I was planning my perks and banking on having all the ones I wanted at level 50. I suppose I can invest a bit in blocking and reach my perk goals at 55 or so...hmm, this is looking like a very long term character. I wanted to get away from my previous Nord 1H mace build which involved lots of blocking.

Does recasting, for example, conjure atronach, while the atronach is still fighting also give you experience? Or do you need to wait for it to die before recasting?

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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:05 pm

Hmmmm has all the makings of a Deathknight.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:48 am

You can block with a weapon, especially a two-handed weapon so investing in the Block tree does pay off. I've got a very similar build going now though I don't have any magic - the focus is primarily heavy armor, two handed, and block. There's a little sneaking and archery. I'm playing on Master difficulty.

You need to watch out for spreading yourself too thin by investing in too many skills. I think your stamina is low because you invested in magicka. Posters on the forums strongly encouraged me to concentrate on a core of around three skills (so I picked heavy armor, two-handed and block) and only two of the three attributes (I picked stamina and health). So at level 30, my build's stamina is around 300 - a two-handed fighter needs lots of stamina and health is around 190. Magicka is the original 100.

It's tough to limit yourself, but it really makes a difference. In your case, since you count on conjuration heavily, maybe you stop investing in health and go with 2:1 ration of stamina to magicka. Good luck!

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Bereket Fekadu
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