redgaurd all the way. but i am lover of orcs too, depends on what class do you want?
Orc or Redguard? Well imo it depends on how you marinate the meat and then season it after. Then how its cooked are we frying, baking or bbqing?
rofl XD
Seriously, I can't help you with your choice, I don't like either of these races. Altmers for the win
Redguard. They are just too badass in this game.
I have to say the Redguards in this game are quite exceptional; however, I wish they would've given darker skin options.
Well as you aren't picking Breton, it really doesn't matter which you choose. The Daggerfall Covenant always needs more manual laborers and canon fodder after all
If you're going for a DK or Templar (i.e. heavy armor), I'd choose the Orc - for aesthetic reasons + heavy armor/tanking ability.
Redguard has great racial passives to enhance your Stamina regen which are Vigor, Conditioning and Adrenaline Rush. The orc has Brawny which is more health + stam and Robust which increases health regen but what it comes down to is would you rather be able to spam skills more or have more health? For most, spamming skills is preferable since ideally you will be coming out of stealth.
I'm facing the same dilemma.
But I think I'm going DK.
You're probably better off going Redguard for the passives but the Orc sprinting passive is pretty sweet and makes it a tough choice. =)
OP, may I ask if there's a reason you don't want to go Bosmer?
As an Orc i agree with this. The decision you make DOES depend on how you wish to marinate your meat. Orcs for instance are very skilled at marinating little elves. So if you plan on hunting down these little creatures, the Orsimer race is for you. I personally recommend NOT torturing the little things beforehand as stress will cause the texture of the meat to become tough. Keep this in mind.
Redguards on the other hand prefer cows and goats. Not quite as adventurous as Orcs, but still very tasteful. I speak from experience.
How often will that little extra sprint make a difference if you already forgot to snare target in the first place? Plus, extra stam regen = more sprinting as you will most likely only be sprinting in situations with less than full stam meaning your stam regen is kicking in.
Because he is a man IRL. Rutger Hauer would be ashamed to play a Bosmer =p
Hmm.. so the choice is between Redguard and Orc?
Their magicka pools and regen should be the same so that is a nonfactor if I am not mistaken. I am no pro, just using past MMO experience to guide me here.
You do understand that the stamina regen and max stamina bonuses are pretty good with Bosmer?
Also like the Khajit they get the best stealth. You can be practically right in someone's face and they won't be able to see you.