i'd go with astetics, if you like the look of the orc go with that, if you like the redguard better go with that instead.
I like orcs better, smashing stuff with a hammer is alot of fun, and the bounus to armorer is great. but redguards have way better stats, and are more versatile. I like playing redguards better as a light armored rouge
Also when did the background change? it looks so weird now. Damn skyrim guy squatting in the ob forum....
I'm with you on reccommending aesthetics -- if you want to be one, go with it. If pushed, I would say Redguard...I dunno why. Orcs just seem a bit too clumsy - powerhouses, maybe, but a skillful Redguard Warrior is far better than a Axe-wielding Orc, simply because of variety.
And on the topic of the background - it's pretty cool I think.