*looks at perk calculator*
What the hell is afromancy? O.o
It's the skill to rock an awesome hairstyle? :disco:
To the OP:
After much trial and error that is a similar build to what I'm settling on for my Nord shaman (I also have a stealthy archer).
I'm using Heavy armor instead of light, because my other character already uses light armor, but I agree that thematically light armor suits better.
I founds shields a pain to use in combination with magic on the xbox since we only get two hotkeys, so I'm just using a spell in my other hand. that's a personal choice though.
Your Conjuration will go up very fast when you use both summoned creatures and summoned weapons, but hat's not really a bad thing because summons rock and unless you grind Smithing you won't get better weapons for a long time. Enchanted and upgraded Deadric will surpass summoned weapons eventually, but the summoned weapons look awesome so who cares?

The alteration Oakflesh spell (and it's successors) will help you against bosses as well especially in the beginning when your armor rating isn't that high yet. You could also use it to supplement your armor later on if you want to keep wearing fur and leather type of armor rather then Elven and Glass which looks a bit too fancy perhaps. I would probably skip Elven and Glass and wear leather until I could craft scaled, and then wear scaled until I could craft the dragon armor, but that's just me.
It's a great build, suits the setting and race as well, gives you more to do then just running in and whacking stuff and sounds like a lot of fun.