Orcs in general, while not showing any particular love or hate for the Empire itself, does have traditions on joining the Imperial Legion, ever since they forced the Empire to accept them during the Warp in the West. The Legion has been their way of winning acceptance with the other races of Tamriel and, if you listen to some Orcs in Skyrim, a way to escape traditions they don't want to live by and see the world.
I don't think the Orcs have much of an opinion on the Civil War at all, at least not as a population. Their strongholds have been in Skyrim at least since the Merethic(if the Wise Women are to be believed when they say their presence outdate that of the Nords in the land) and, while there have been some conflicts, the Nords and Orcs have gotten along reasonably well on Tamrielic standards. Who rules Skyrim wouldn't matter much to them. If they'd join the Legion, it is because it is the Legion, not because it is the Empire.
Note: Nothing of this has to apply to individuals. This is a general tendency description based on the available information.