They have the berserker rage power and then inexplicably no ability, people justify it saying the berserker rage is overpowered, but I say this is nonsense, you can only use it once a day and usually you forget to, and then it's not all that useful anyway.
Compare that with abilities which are just there 24/7. I would rather lose the power and get a cool ability. Anyway, the real question here is, what would orcs logically have?
Maybe a +50 to health or stamina?
Maybe a 50% resist damage?
There has been mention of them morphologically having thick skin and strong bones if I'm not mistaken, so something to do with durability seems a good fit. Stamina maybe because they're known to endure hardship well and stamina is just very useful for power attacks in combat, and gives a boost to carry weight. They're known to be strong so swinging a warhammer and carrying a bunch of stuff should naturally be easier for them.
Another possibility might be extra damage done by their heavy fists in unarmed combat.
What do you think?