The match has been set in the city of Markarth and each side is using fur amor with steel helmets. The weapon choices are iron axes, orcish swords, and imperial bows. There 5 battle mages on each side and 2 champions on each side.
Who Wins?
The match has been set in the city of Markarth and each side is using fur amor with steel helmets. The weapon choices are iron axes, orcish swords, and imperial bows. There 5 battle mages on each side and 2 champions on each side.
Who Wins?
I'd say the crowd/audience wins. But on second thoughts, it's usually those who take the bets.
I would say the dragon wins. What self respecting dragon could pass up a free buffet like that? Honestly, even though nords are tough and resilient, there is no more fearsome a foe on the battlefield than an orc berserker.
Just to make this fun ........this one is a
Nord ......Nord's Win
Equallly matched numbers and weapons? It's going to be Orcs. No question. I doubt there are that many Orcs in Skyrim to raise an army of them though, they seem to be marginal in numbers as in everything else.
Definitely orcs. It's enough for 1 orc to fart and half of the nords are dead. The other half can be handled by a single orc berserker.
Are we talking about gameplay or lore-wise?
For gameplay (PvP) I think there are too many factors to take into account. Player decisions on perks, armor, combat style will come into play.
For lore-wise, I'd say it's complicated. The Orcs and the Nords, both have martial prowess and yearning for battle in their cultural heritage.
The Orcs do have Berserker rage (though didn't the Nords also have something similar in Oblivion and earlier games, like Woad or something). The Orcs are very much a Sparta-like society: every orc is a fighter first and foremost and only the strongest survive and thrive. And their race's very existence is due mostly to their combat prowess and being able to defeat enemies, despite insurmountable odds. Physically they certainly seem to be the strongest and biggest, on average. They seem inclined to heavy armor.
The Nords, according to Oblivion's game cannon, have Woad, which gives them increased damage resistance (which is what a true berserker needs for the assault). On average, they don't seem to be as big or strong as orcs, but then again their society seems to be much more diverse, composed not just of fighters, but also bards, storekeeps, smiths, farmers, laborers, ect. But among the fighting class, the Nords, at least in game, do seem just as strong and competent as the Orcs. And the Nordic culture as a whole is steeped in the warrior mythos and honor totally revolves around conduct in combat. Nords also seem much more naturally inclined to two-handed weapons.
IMO if we take the best fighters from both sides, out of 100 fights, it would be 50 Orcish victories and 50 Nordic victories; I think the two are that equally matched. Nords are perhaps more likely to inflict greater damage (two-hander preference) while the Orcs are more likely to tank greater damage (armor preference). Orcish Beserk Rage sounds like a decisive advantage in theory, but in practice, a battle-tested Nord skilled in 2-handers would be able to deal with such a threat. Plus, why would it be easy for an Orc Beserker charge/battle to kill another Beserker? Nords are well known Beserkers in their own right according to the Tamriel lore (indeed the Nordic race is based off the real life Norse/Vikings which employed beserkers in battle) and the game itself (Nords had Woad in Obivion and Shouts in Skyrim which could force enemies to flee or stumble). It's like fighting fire with fire; it simply doesn't work.
Now, if we take the average of each race, Orcs would probably have the advantage, since there seem to be many more non-combatant roles in Nordic society compared to the Orcish society which seems focused almost purely on war fighting.
At first, I thought this was a new Warcraft single player game! It started out with Orcs vs Humans
I dunno, though... Does an Orc's rage counter a Nord's shout?
Lucky...I don't want to resist (unless you tells me too, for fun) I love the idea of being ravaged xD (Damn my teenage body and mind)
But, Nord women aren't green and they dpn't have large teeth xD
So there's another outcome to consider. The ladies on each side start talking about how disappointing their men are, and the latter go off to the tavern to get drunk (which will of course perpetuate what the women are complaining about.)
Meanwhile the Forsworn arrive and take over.