Ok i have no idea about all this robot stuff, curses, or w.e you two are arguing about but i will respond to the original post a add a few comments about some of the stuff ive read.
I say orcs should be playable because sometimes you just wanna be a feared barbarian and beat the [censored] out of everything. That said orc NPC's should be
feared! Sure a orc could be out of the ordinary and try and start up a book business, but the only people who should buy their books are orcs because normal orc-fearing people shouldnt go into their shop, and since most orcs wouldnt go into town to pick up a book the business would shut down and thats the end of that. I'm not saying orcs cant be intelligent, but they are going to stick together because if its only been 40 years or w.e since they were accepted into the Empire people are still going to fear and mistrust them. I dont want to see a orc jsut wandering around the noble area because with the fear and mistrust i'd think he's liable to get stabbed in the back by some stupidly brave guy who's family was killed by orcs or who brother or sister or w.e was killed by orcs 40 years ago while he was still a little boy or w.e, there are still
plenty of racist people today and blacks were'nt persecuted for thousands of years, they weren't discriminated against for nearly as long as orcs. So i guess what im trying to say is, either they have their own little section in towns or they make their own communities and for the most part they should be agressive to strangers and non-orcs, maybe not violent but aggressive non the less.
Now as to the playing to their strengths. I say yea they should, if you are naturally strong and aggressive you're not going to sit still in a stuffy old library and read or study. You're going to get out and kick ass. Or pound your anger away into a piece of metal. And yes their are exceptions to every rule but i think unless the next TES is hundreds of years later then orcs should be stereotyped for the most part. While they can break out of the stereotype, like women being good for only housesitting and what not, you cant break out of your race. You cant tame a beast, heh for instance those idiot tiger trainers, or that idiot kid that was throwing pine cones at a tiger in a zoo, they got their stupid asses eaten.
Oh and while some woman may not be able to lug a man out of a burning house, some women could carry one easily and not all men could lug a man out either, i sure as hell couldnt, it takes training and hard work, stereotyping between sixes is stupid IMO, some women are smarter then men and some are dumb bimbos, and some men are stronger than women some are smarter but weaker (aka me

) and to the strength is dispproportional to intelligence thing, while that is not necissarily true, if you arent born smart, or athletic, you can only work one way or the other, you can be strong or smart but not both, you could be average in both, and even if you are born smart or athletic, you might not work on increasing the other, and spending too much time on one could lead to detriment in the other, so for the most part i think it is true