Look at him with his cheeky little tinker's grin!
lol, yes, well, he holds a special place in my experiences on this forum.

His brief existence in roleplaying is catalogued on the very last page of http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/960748-rewriting-history-an-epic-tale/page__p__13878816__hl__rewriting%20History__fromsearch__1entry13878816 and the very first page of http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/994275-rewriting-history-an-epic-tale/page__p__14372389__hl__rewriting%20History__fromsearch__1entry14372389 if anyone cares, lol.
Now that I'm all nostagic I may go fire up the old Morrowind save and see how he's doing, lol