Ordinator concept art

Post » Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:39 pm

Hello everyone!

I'm currently making an ordinator cosplay costume, and as I really love Michael Kirkbride's concept art version I'm trying to use some of its features. One of those is the ordinator's cape - it has some complex pattern that looks really great but is really hard for me to understand, so I've been having some hard time trying to anolyze it. Maybe anyone knows what could that pattern be, or what it meant, or what it could look like? Maybe its some pre-daedric version and could be replaced with daedric texts?

A similar pattern can be found on a concept art "foul murder" and on some other, including capes and buildings.

P.S. I'd attach some pictures, but the site says I can't post links, sorry.

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james tait
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