Well then man just miserable package pile of elements, doesn't anything done from basic elements and tied by elemental chains?
In TES spell making its manipulation of Basic Elements from which created all and tied together by the laws that are called the Earth Bones, thats part of Creation thats left in Nirn when Magnus partially escape creation trap.
And scripting effect expand Creation even more since with scripts we can create new elements or apply them in different way.
So True Spellmaking can be achieved in CS, in CS we actually work with Creation, while in game we just touch it, without spell making we even cant touch them and feel warm of Primordial Forces.
That was... deep. I admit I didn't understand %90 of it. What is Creation? What do you mean by "scripting". Is CS, Construction Set? I can't figure if you're referring to lore or gameplay. The spellmaking I talk about which seen in menus, is just a gameplay feature. I'm sure the spell creation in Nirn doesn't mention about menus and such.
There is no evidence thats new spell system is dynamic its can be just some hardcoded spells like in Dark Messiah or in Bioshock.
I was partially referring to OP. I also think/expect/hope it will be like that, otherwise it won't be TES style. Systemization is a high priority in TES. Spellmaking might be in too in the end. It hasn't been confirmed 100%.
Well not only useful utility spell can be prepared but also roleplaying ones also, with classical magical system enhanced by scripting can be done spell from any other systems.
That's about modding, right? How many scripted spells are there in vanilla? I think spellmaking isn't something modders can't take up in any case.
I think they are similar to Ultima Underworld rune system or similar to Arx Fatalis but without ability draw them, instead we will shout them.
Spoiler -------------------------------------------------------------------|AN - Negate |BET - Small |CORP - Death |DES - Down ||EX - Freedom |FLAM - Flame |GRAV - Energy |HUR - Wind ||IN - Cause |JUX - Harm |KAL - Summon |LOR - Light ||MANI - Life |NOX - Poison |ORT - Magic |POR - Movement||QUAS - Illusion|REL - Change |SANCT - Protection|TYM - Time ||UUS - Raise |VAS - Great |WIS - Knowledge |YLEM - Matter |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Spells of the 1st Circle | Spells of the 2nd Circle || | || IN MANI YLEM Create Food | QUAS CORP Cause Fear || IN LOR Light | QUAS MANI YLEM Dispel Hunger || ORT JUX Magic Arrow | IN BET MANI Lesser Heal || BET IN SANCT Resist Blows | UUS POR Jump || UUS DES POR Bounce | REL DES POR Slow Fall || WIS JUX Detect Traps | ORT WIS JUX Deadly Seeker || BET ORT IN Luck | IN FLAM JUX Flame Rune || BET WIS EX Locate | QUAS AN CORP Valor || | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| Spells of the 3rd Circle | Spells of the 4th Circle || | || AN NOX Cure Poison | IN MANI Heal || ORT GRAV Lightning | IN AN FLAM Frost || QUAS LOR Night Vision | IN SANCT Thick Skin || REL TYM POR Speed | NOX JUX YLEM Poison Weapon || AN JUX ORT Dispel Rune | AN JUX Remove Trap || JUX MANI Bleeding | SANCT FLAM Flameproof || YLEM POR Water Walk | GRAV SANCT POR Missile Prot. || AN KAL CORP Repel Undead | WIS MANI Study Monster || | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| Spells of the 5th Circle | Spells of the 6th Circle || | || REL SANCT YLEM Mending | VAS IN LOR Daylight || POR FLAM Fireball | VAS REL POR Gate Travel || ORT WIS YLEM Name Enchantment| VAS IN MANI Greater Heal || EX YLEM Open | AN EX POR Paralyze || AN CORP MANI Smite Undead | QUAS REL WIS Charm || ORT POR YLEM Telekenisis | VAS SANCT LOR Invisibility || IN TYM JUX Time Trap | VAS ORT GRAV Sheet Lightning || UUS HUR POR Levitate | WIS EX Map Area || | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| Spells of the 7th Circle | Spells of the 8th Circle || | || KAL AN MANI Summon Demon | FLAM HUR Flame Wind || VAS AN WIS Mass Confusion | AN TYM Freeze Time || ORT AN QUAS Reveal | IN VAS SANCT Iron Flesh || ORT POR GRAV Magic Satellite | VAS MANI Restoration || VAS EX YLEM Portal | ORT POR WIS Roaming Sight || JUX HUR Shockwave | VAS JUX MANI Smite Foe || VAS ORT YLEM Enchant Item | VAS HUR POR Fly || VAS POR YLEM Tremor | VAS KAL CORP Armageddon || | |--------------------------------------------------------------------
Hmm, I'm getting excited. I want to know more. The shouts will unlock word by word but we don't get to actually mix and match them, I guess. It would have become as a great alternative to spell making. If there are 20+ preset shouts and 60+ words(wait shouts don't share many words, eh?) then those permutations outside of the preset 20 could work as custom spellmaking. Really, only with 20 words, there are still thousands of permutations.
you are totally from a different plane than I am.

I don't understand the significance of those stacked spells in your example but yet again I don't know about Equestian or Maomer. If those effects represent a Maomer then I applaud the creativity.
No, it's not. Every time this topic comes up in a thread, there are posts that say it's just the same, but it's not. It's not even close.
Off the top of my head custom spells (just to give an idea):
Stumble: Burden 300pts for 2 secs on target
Trip: Absorb Fatigue 200pts for 1 sec on target
Blinding Blast: Fire Damage 30pts for 10' on target, Chameleon 50% for 5s on self
300pts. Well, it won't be the same to the extend of precise points but this is because of the anolog nature. But it isn't impossible with OP's system because they aren't predefined.
Example: You have burden selected. The amounts, duration or type are not predefined. Read the OP. You can manipulate all those, you won't actually see the numbers but you will have to do it with instinct instead. It will be light-medium-heavy burden instead of 300pts. You will be able to choose target and totally control the duration as you fit.
For example I can cast a burden spell as long as it takes to fully stop my enemy, given that I have enough magicka. Or fatigue, just long enough to make them collapse. Or a small amount of fire, a quick tap of a button. Or fully deplete my magicka as fast as possible as a fire spell on my target. On the fly, not predefined.