Original Character Ideas?

Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:52 am

I have seen a lot of threads where people are asking which character people plan to rip off and model their own character after, among the most popular being the sword and staff weilding Gandalf type characters and the Monster Slayer Geralt of Rivia type characters and while I am surprised at the lack of Dunmer Rangers who dual wield scimitars I must wonder does anyone here actually have any original ideas when it comes to planning their characters? What I want to know is what makes your character unique? What sets him (or her) apart from the crowd?
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:40 am

mostly his background, a dunmer raised nord i think it's pretty interesting.
he doesn't have prejudice towards other races due to what he experienced in his life, he knows that any member of each race has the potential to be an friend or enemy making one no better than the other.

here's his backstory:

First name: Cyrus

Last name: Dralas (family name of the adoptive father)

race: Nord (a more tanned skin than the average nord and dark hair due to dilluted redguard heritage)


A calm and intelligent mind contrast with his big stature and imposing demeanor. he learned from his adoptive dunmer father everything from combat to blacksmithing, although his father wanted to teach him more in the ways of fencing he found that Cyrus was attuned to use 2 handed blades and so he often sent him on specific hunts in order for his son to improve himself.


Cyrus's adoptive father, Thoryn, was in his youth a wandering fencer and scholar, he often visited cities in order to visit their libraries and challenge passing warriors. approaching his 100 years of life he was sent to morrowind in chains as a slave and worked his way up until he was allowed by the argonians limited freedom to keep researching for them.

Brief Biography:

found as a baby on the shores of Morrowind in the arms of a dead nord captain. A dunmer passing by noticed this morbid scene and came near to take a better look, as he investigates the captain's body he finds an ancient medallion that seems to have been crafted in skyrim, in the back he finds an inscription with the name Cyrus. "Curious" -the dunmer thought to himself- though the medallion is from skyrim the inscription is written in the old redguard's language, he then takes a look at the infant and sees that he is on the brink of death. Unphased by its cries the dunmer turns back and starts to walk away... as he distances himself from the shores he is struck by a powerful force in the back, making him lose his footing and look back, he looks to the baby surprised to see a torn trail of ground rock with the unconscious infant at the end, "I can use him to leave this wretched place" - the dunmer though to himself - and brought the infant with him to the small town of Gnaar Mok.

Years have passed, and young Cyrus grew amongst the dunmer slaves and argonians learning everything he could from Thoryn, his adoptive father, who often sent him on hunts and odd mercenary jobs and while Cyrus was a formidable fighter, he never saw him recreate that shockwave from all those years ago. the rest of the village shunned Cyrus due to his heritage and often warned the father to abandon or even kill him in fear of a possible betrayal, Thoryn knew that in time the villagers would lose their patience and drive Cyrus, if not them both, out from the village in slavery or worse...
one night, Thoryn called the young nord to their home saying he had something important to show him, he showed Cyrus all the books and scrolls he had collected over the years, all of them describing Nord and redguard history as well as culture, he told Cyrus that the time to leave the village was coming near and that they would have to prepare for the inevitable outcome.

One day on one of his hunts Cyrus saw himself ambushed by bandits, fifteen men lead by an argonian woman named Seen-Na who readied her dagger and ordered her thugs to kill Cyrus. seeing no other course of action Cyrus ran towards a cave housing an underground maze thinking he might be able to pick them off one by one. the plan worked or so it seemed, for when Cyrus left the cave Seen-Na using her agility positions herself behind him without him noticing prepares to backstab him.
as he turns around to at least try and deflect the blow he is surprised to see Seen-Na lying on the ground dead with an arrow between her eyes. "and the deed...is done." someone whispers and suddenly a loud impact sound resonates throughout the area. Cyrus hurries to the where the sound originated and finds an unconscious argonian lying on the ground poisoned and slashed in the gut, realizing that this argonian saved him from certain death Cyrus administers some first aid and magic to at least cure the poison and close the wound, afterwards he takes him back to the village in secret. two days later, the argonian awakes surprised to find himself alive and in the care of a dunmer, "my son Cyrus says you saved him and as such he wanted to return the favor, think nothing of it...what name do you go by argonian?" Thoryn asked.

argonian: my name is Gin-Dar, i am...was a shadowscale.
Thoryn: ...figured as much, though i am curious...how did you leave the order and lived?
Gin-Dar: a friend... a nord, saved me after i defected from the brotherhood, he made it look like i was dead with a special poison. that nord...i heard he died off the coast.
though i also heard that his son survived. while i mourned the passing of my friend, i was glad at least his offspring made it out alive. then i heard some unsavory rumors from my contacts that a mercenary group was out to kill him.
Thoryn: is that why you decided to save my son, for a life debt?
Gin-Dar: yes...though it seems that lifedebt has now passed on to his son.
*Gin-Dar gets up from the bed*
Thoryn: rest argonian, you're still too weak.
Gin-Dar: i'll manage, tell your son i said thank you and when the time comes and you leave morrowind remember...keep your head low.

after a few weeks, it was time to leave morrowind and head towards skyrim, in search of knowledge and a better life away from the slavery of the argonians.
under the cover of darkness the father and son sneaked onto a boat and made their way into the sea, but some argonian sentries saw them and were about to attack when suddenly they were killed...shot in the head from faraway, another arrow was shot but this time onto the boat and bearing a message "this makes us even".

weeks, maybe months later at sea, Thoryn and his son reached the shores of skyrim and made their way to the nearest inn.
as soon as they entered the tavern everyone got silent and stared at our heroes, the presence of Thoryn was what triggered this reaction. when the tension in the room was such that it seemed a battle was unavoidable, suddenly, a drunken patron started to shout:

"so...you're this vermin's master heh?! good on ya son! serves those knife ears right GaHaHaHA!"

everyone's disposition after this statement seemed to have lightened up the mood so Cyrus and Thoryn knew this could be of use... so they disguised as a nord slaver and his dunmer slave. the ploy worked well enough for them and after leaving the tavern the next day they managed to travel the roads fairly safely, until cyrus was ambushed by dunmer rebels who took his father and slashed Cyrus's face cutting out his right eye, the attack left Cyrus unconscious and the rebels disappeared as fast as they came leaving him with nothing but rags on his back. Cyrus then wakes up in a prison, apparently the guards recognized him when he came into shore and after a bit of investigation they learned that Cyrus was not a slaver but rather a mer sympathizer and was awaiting execution for it, this accusation left Cyrus laughing at the irony of it all.
what happens next is yet to be told...

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Philip Lyon
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:05 pm

Hmm what sets my character apart......
I want to play on a VERY hard difficulty. So my character would be shaped around max effectiveness and Most of my play time would be spent preparing for encounters.
In terms of play style..... Avoiding damage would be a top priority along with strategically and methodically dealing with scenario's.
Not sure about what skills i would be concentrating on, whatever get the job done most effectively :mohawk: i guess.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:15 am

I think this is pretty original.

Oliver Kast
Dark Elf

Oliver is a dumner noble who is extremely prejudice towards the Argonians after the events in The Infernal City. But in general he is pretty pompous and arrogant towards everyone due to his stature.

That's all you really need to know, N'wah.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:27 am

I think mine is quite unique tbh :P well i made it up in my head anyways :)

Nord, about 30.
Name: ólfr

ólfr live high up in the mountains of Skyrim in a small wooden cabin which he himself built. ólfr survived by living off the land, hunting and fishing. He lived so far away from large populations because he had always felt he was different from them, he felt he did not belong. He has lived so far away from other people for so long what he could remember, from when he did traverse those lands, had all but vanished from his memory. He lived with his wife, Sverro and his son úlfr.

ólfr was on one of his many hunting trips that he undertook to gather food for him and his family, he suddenly heard screams and then a large vibration shook the ground so that leaves and branches that were not secured to the trees around him fell to the ground with a thud. The sounds came from the cabin. He ran towards his mountain home with the speed of a possessed man. When he got there he found that his home, or what was left of it, was a pile of burning ash and rubble. His wife and son had perished in the flames. ólfr searched the rubble for his wife's necklace, the one he gave her the day they met. He found it in a heap of ash, suddenly a beam from the log cabin fell and just missed his head but not without inflicting a huge gash across his left eye appearing to blind him. He dropped to the ground holding his head in sheer disbelief that all he held dear had vanished in a heart beat. ólfr knew that this was the doing of a creature of pure power and magical descent. But what creature he did not know. From that day forward he pledged to kill all magical creatures of the land that posed a threat to innocents. He was to become a Monster Hunter of sorts.

As he rose to his feet he found that the smoke had attracted a local legion patrol. They ran up to him, ólfr was still in shock, he mumbled as if he had lost his mind, saying 'They're dead, my wife, my son They're dead, it's all my fault.' The Legion soldiers, not being ones to mess around took this as a formal confession for the murders of his wife and child. They promptly arrested him and took him to a prison of which ólfr did not know. He received the news. The news that he was to be executed.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:35 pm

I have seen a lot of threads where people are asking which character people plan to rip off and model their own character after, among the most popular being the sword and staff weilding Gandalf type characters and the Monster Slayer Geralt of Rivia type characters and while I am surprised at the lack of Dunmer Rangers who dual wield scimitars I must wonder does anyone here actually have any original ideas when it comes to planning their characters? What I want to know is what makes your character unique? What sets him (or her) apart from the crowd?

My characters personality
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:05 am

I'll be RPing a Dunmer Ranger-Assassin, and I'll admit some influence from this guy --> http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Drizzt_Do%27Urden and this guy -->http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Artemis_Entreri

However, I'm waiting for http://www.amazon.com/Lord-Souls-Elder-Scrolls-Novel/dp/0345508025 at the end of this month before I make any pertinent RP decisions, i.e. bio, back-story, etc ...

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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:02 pm

Most likely his pretty eyes and dazzling smile.

Seriously though, my plan is for a Khajiit sword and shield warrior. He's very enamored with Nordic culture, his family having migrated to Skyrim after his great-grandparents were liberated from an Ebony mine in Vvardenfell (in my head they were freed by the Nerevarine). He'll have a strange blend of the Khajiit and Nordic sense of honour, seeing no problem in theft from the wealthy as they can afford to live without whatever has been taken. He also believes that revenge is the strongest form of justice, if the revenge is equally as devastating as the original crime. For instance, he believes murderers should in turn be murdered (preferably by one of their victim's family members), arsonists should have all of their worldly possessions burned, and rapists should.. well.. his code gets a bit iffy from there.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:29 am

My character's going to be a Nord wearing a Khajiit suit.

Tricky, right?
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:09 pm

Just view my About Me page to see my character. :happy:
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:01 am

My characters personality

Would you mind elaborating what it is about your character's personality makes him unique? For instance my character will be a Bard, not a bard in the traditional sense or like the ones from Dragon Age but more of a Medieval Rockstar that rushes into battle with a magical 2handed battleaxe (perhaps of daedric or divine origins, I have not decided yet), I would like that battleaxe to double as an electric guitar but that depends mostly upon me somehow learning 3D modelling within the 2 months before Skyrim's release so its existance at this point is doubtful. The Dragonborn aspect of the character fits this build perfectly as my character will make heavy use of the Dragonshouts, his race will most likely be Nord but it will depend on how the other races sound when performing the shouts, that being said I may need to find or somehow make up a mod that makes the shouts have more of a heavy metal sound to them :mohawk: .
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:38 am

Would you mind elaborating what it is about your character's personality makes him unique? For instance my character will be a Bard, not a bard in the traditional sense or like the ones from Dragon Age but more of a Medieval Rockstar that rushes into battle with a magical 2handed battleaxe (perhaps of daedric or divine origins, I have not decided yet), I would like that battleaxe to double as an electric guitar but that depends mostly upon me somehow learning 3D modelling within the 2 months before Skyrim's release so its existance at this point is doubtful. The Dragonborn aspect of the character fits this build perfectly as my character will make heavy use of the Dragonshouts, his race will most likely be Nord but it will depend on how the other races sound when performing the shouts, that being said I may need to find or somehow make up a mod that makes the shouts have more of a heavy metal sound to them :mohawk: .

=.= Original you say ? Let's see, a medieval type of rockstar bard with a two handed axe that doubles as an electric guitar, now where have I seen that before...

Ah, that's right L70ETC the undead guitarist.


You can't say your idea is not partially a rip-off from that.

As for myself I dunno if it's really original but I will be playing a good female Kahjiit knight that wears heavy armor and uses a mace and a shield and is knowledgable in the arts of Alteration & Restoration while having a small skill in Conjuration, she never attacks anyone unless to protect anyone else so Conjuration is pretty much a must, she wouldn't attack someone just for attacking her but if someone else is in danger she will defend him, her or even it. As for out of combat skills she will be studying a bit of smithing.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:02 am

I don't know if this is unique, but after some time I start being experimental. In MW and OB I played a heavy-armor spell-sword, but without destruction and restoration magic.
Don't know what I will do in Skyrim when I get bored.

Would your Khajiit conjur to be protected in situations where she would not fight for herselft, or would she conjur to have something to protect, to justify her own attacks?
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:50 pm

On a more philosophical level- everything's been done before. There is never a truly original idea. Ever.

Except for my idea where I'm a Nord in a Khajiit suit.

You think I'm Khajiit, but BAM! I'm a Nord.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:22 am

I don't know if this is unique, but after some time I start being experimental. In MW and OB I played a heavy-armor spell-sword, but without destruction and restoration magic.
Don't know what I will do in Skyrim when I get bored.

Would your Khajiit conjur to be protected in situations where she would not fight for herselft, or would she conjur to have something to protect, to justify her own attacks?

I wrote a small piece in the "Roleplay your character being ambushed by 10 bandits" thread that explained the concept. Basically she's a little naive and would conjure help when in trouble but when she sees her 'help' being attacked she helps it in turn. You could say when she panics she summons a creature (most often a Clannfear) and if she sees her summon being attacked she gets her act together and can focus enough to try and save her summon.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:56 pm

On a more philosophical level- everything's been done before. There is never a truly original idea. Ever.

Except for my idea where I'm a Nord in a Khajiit suit.

You think I'm Khajiit, but BAM! I'm a Nord.

My Imperial in an Argonian suit is totally unique also, you think i'm an Argonian but BAM! I'm an Imperial.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:11 pm

My Imperial in an Argonian suit is totally unique also, you think i'm an Argonian but BAM! I'm an Imperial.

I am so suing you...
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:36 am

I am so suing you...

Ok sheesh, an Argonian who things he's an Imperial.

He thinks an imperial but BAM! He looks in the mirror and realises he's an Argonian and then BAM! He jumps off the throat of the world... :sadvaultboy:
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:27 pm

You don't see that many Altmer healers with a drink problem.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:23 am

i think its orginal

a poor Argonian drunk who really doesnt want to be the Dragonborn, but his small sense of moral makes him unable to just walk up and leave the people of Skyrim who need him...once in awhile his creed and lust will over come him, but thats hardly

i like to think of him as the Niko Bellic of skyrim
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:40 am

Race: Dunmer
Name: Morris or Morisu (not very Dunmer like but i like to use my own name so i feel like I really am my character)

Background: His family sent him to skyrim after Red Mountain errupted (i still don't no the date when it happend, does someone know?) and the argonians invaded (also i dont know the date from this. anyone?) he ended up in an orphange and was addopted by a dunmer family that already lived in skyrim. From his addopted father he learned the arts of stealth, marksman, dual wielding an how to use light armor and blacksmithing. his father also thought him to respect and honor all of the other races so he has no prejudges. he has nightmeres of what happend to his home end family al his life, at the age of 18 he has the worst yet. after he wakes he is completly mental and he kills an argonian guard that tries to calm him down. everyone thinks he is a racist because he's slain an argonian and he is arrested and planned to be executed.

looks: A messed up right eye (mine is kinda messed up as wel. if I look with only my right eye i can see maybe 25% of what i can see with my left eye) a scar through it. short hair, maybe a beard (not a long one) an i will try to make him look a lot like myself. oh and some tats or warpaint would also be nice

play style: dual wielding swords and dagger, bow and arrow, sneak, illusion, lockpick, pickpocket, poison, light armor, blacksmithing and perhaps some other magic.

thats about it

edit: and he later finds out that he's Dragonborn of course
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:55 am

Ok sheesh, an Argonian who things he's an Imperial.

He thinks an imperial but BAM! He looks in the mirror and realises he's an Argonian and then BAM! He jumps off the throat of the world... :sadvaultboy:

An Imperial in an Argonian suit who thinks he is a Breton in a Khajiit suit.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:27 am

An Imperial in an Argonian suit who thinks he is a Breton in a Khajiit suit.

So help me Talos, I will sue you all...
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:04 am

An Imperial in an Argonian suit who thinks he is a Breton in a Khajiit suit.

... who is schizophrenic; his second self is an Altmer with an invisible Dunmer friend.
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:56 pm

Somewhat original, although I borrowed the idea from someone else many years ago.

A female Dunmer who is part of an all-female cult that worships Mephala.
They are mage-assassins, priestesses that do not use weapons.
They are also known as "Black Widows', as they charm and lure their victims, then kill them intimately.
This means that only touch-magic is allowed for the kill.

I wouldn't use this to play through most of the game content. But does offer a different role play perspective.
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