» Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:57 am
My guess for the next gen consoles?
In all seriousness, 2-3GB at launch tops. They won't be high end because they can't be.
In 2005 you could still stuff a high end gpu AND cpu in a console sized box. Now it's 2011, take a look at the gtx580 and hd6970, those buggers aren't going in a small box anytime soon, never mind the kind of cooling you need on a decent CPU nowadays. Therefore they wont be pushing the boat with the next console generation (at release compared to PC). It'll be low-midrange and be more casual focused than before because technology is moving too fast.
They may scraqe through the next gen if they make the consoles huge and loud. But without some major changes to how consoles work (i.e. become a PC in every way except OS), console gaming as a platform for modern gaming will fall by the wayside. Consoles have been great, they started off home gaming, but their time is rapidly coming to an end (in a way they already have started: installs? upgrades?). PC gaming has been gaining on consoles since the early 1990's and it's now seriously threatening all the consoles combined in all markets.
This is a strange viewpoint at first, but then you realise that actually, it's correct, but since most of the gaming media are and have been console orientated out of habit they make out like PC is the giant dying, which is obviously not the case (PC gaming has been growing quicker than console gaming recently with steam as a huge catalyst for example). This viewpoint is re-enforced every time a new console generation is around they suddenly catch up to PC gaming, but not really thinking that actually PC gaming is still growing and it is in fact console gamers just updating their hardware around these times, making it seem like consoles are selling all the time like hotcakes and not considering that every sold console is nowhere near a new console gamer.
I suspect consoles will go modular though based on the patents from sony for modular components related to playstation. It makes sense, and is the only way consoles can keep up and still seem fairly small elegant solutions for gaming - using cheap midrange components on a short life cycle.