» Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:36 pm
Hey folks,
Just in case you haven't done so already, please go to the support section of gamesas.com and submit an email to their support folks. I'm willing to be the more support requests they get, the faster they will resolve our issue.
And just as a followup... the GStaff confirmed on the official gamesas blog that the saves would work (scroll down till you see the reply in gold):
Yes, your old saves will work.
Also, the English versions of DLC are coming next week ? so if you have the game in the UK, it should be available next week.
@ Sean Patch notes are here?
@Paul 1.7 is the most up to date patch for PC. At present, we have no announced plans for new updates.
Other than that, if I learn about updates in other territories, I'll let you know.
Left by gstaff on September 17th, 2009