Hmm..Well I wouldn't call this a review. It seems like some guy was a bit bored and thought he would state the obvious

His slogan after all is
"With no money and lots of time, what else is there to do?"His criticisms aren't even criticisms, allow me to quote:
However, there are problems with the game. The biggest one, of course, is the bugs. Even with patches, the game still has a tendency to abruptly turn off, or this or that. Another problem is the people you recruit through your journey. Can someone tell me why you actually have to barter with them? Luckily, they took care of this in Fallout 2.
Well, as many people in the community know, alot of the bugs have been fixed, and though some still remain, none of them are gamebreaking,
"this or that" is hardly good journalism.
Also, many of the perks and skills are totally worthless. Seriously, why would anyone want a high “unarmed” skill?
This is a personal gripe more than anything, it's a choice that can be avoided. Both of these criticism's are pretty mediocre, then again, his bias disposition on the game doesn't make his good points any less painful to read.
But regardless of its faults, Fallout is ground-breaking to this day. If you have never played, I urge you to, regardless of how much you like specific types of games or consoles. Play Fallout!
This is just pure, unjournalistic, biased crap intent on blowing the Fallout trumpet. Fallout is not a game for everyone, and 'urging' someone to buy it, regardless of their tastes, is foolhardy.
I wish this guy the best of luck, but I don't find this very helpful. Besides, the originals speak for themselves.