For better or worse (I won't specify which) the times have changed. Where before atmosphere, Mechanics and truly clever writing could draw you out of that state of mind that "I'm just sitting here trying to outwit and beat a continually repeating cloud of 1's and 0's." and put you into the: "I really care about this decision I'm going to make" or "What is that noise" sense, not so much anymore. If the physics algorithms or anti aliasing isn't right, you can get svcked back out of the experience and into your chair with your pasty white complexion and only modestly attractive girlfriend. Just a little nugget for you people to nibble on before blindly bashing dozens of individuals hard work.
Blindly bash? There's been a lot of that lately, on all 3 games. it's not graphics I don't like about FO2, it's immersion killing out of character special encounters, forced into making smart-ass dialogue responses when my character wasn't a smart-ass, and what was, even for that day, lackluster combat. FO1, probably the best overall of all three Fallout RPGs, suffered greatly, in my mind, from that craptastic combat.
So, if you want a little nugget, there are many of us who played all three games extensively, and we are fully capable and qualified to bash intelligently, with literally years of game play experience on the first 2 games, and 6 months of gameplay experience on FO3. And yes, FO3 has flaws, some rather major, to my mind, that doesn't mean the first two were brought down form the mountain with the burning bush either.