Oscape LOD -> missing textures

Post » Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:20 pm

Hello to all again.

I've made a worldspace 128x128 cells (4096x4096 pixels) with tesannwyn where the player have to move in an area which is 12x12 (it's an island). So I've merged the WS in my working mod with TES5Edit and added my custom landscape textures with custom textureset. The textures are:









The custom DDSs are in textures\manny_GF\Landscape with their own normals

the 12x12 area have the landscape textures filled via custom region. The other cells are underwater and distant from the player which cannot move into them.

In oscape everything seems to be fine. When I see the preview I see the colormap too with proper colors.

However when I generate the LOD, it appears with purple textures (and wrong normals, they seems like sea sand normals).

What I'm wrong?

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Donald Richards
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