Hey guys, today I finally got round to installing Oblivion to my Windows 7 OS.
I proceeded to simply copy the oblivion folder from my Vista installation to the new OS.
I then booted it up. But I'm not entirely sure if it's working properly.
I'm sure that usually with this mod (1.34 beta 5) the imperial market district has at least half a dozen well dressed citizens moving about, but now I only have two peasents every so often. However, the new armour and weapons seems to work fine.
Could you advise me on what I could do to test if everything's working properly?
Also, I would like to know if I could replace my OOO installation with FCOM and still use the same save by updating it Wrye Bash?
And if I were to do so then what problems could occur? I am 50 hours into the game.
If you are seeing female guards in the IC, then it's working. Not sure which citizens you mean, but that can vary a lot depending on the time of day, day of the week, etc., so it's not a great way to tell if things are working.
Yes, it's fine to add FCOM. It adds to OOO rather than replace it.
Small mod question.
I'm using O.O.O with CM Partners, and I like to role with a large entourage (3 Cronies), and I can't find an "Increase Spawns" in O.O.O, so I'm asking if there is a simple Increase Spawn Count mod that is compatible with O.O.O, or if they have instructions some where where I could manually increase my spawn count.
Sorry, OOO does not have an increased spawns option and I'm not sure if anyone has made one for it. To do it yourself, the best way would be to use TES4Edit to look for the new OOO spawn lists that end with "Pack", then check the references for these and increase the count field. It would take a fair bit of work to do it.
dev, if that big Stone henge like structure is part of OOO, there is a chunck of land on the shore side that is missing. Collision for it still works, but you can look into the world space and all that, plus it was built on top of a nirnroot(not sure if that's important to know or not, since theres 400+ of those).
I have no idea what structure you mean. Sounds like you may have a landscape conflict with some other mod.
Sorry to bother you, but I seem to be experiencing an odd issue with OOO. I'm running a fresh install of the whole mod, which I got a few days ago from PlanetElderScrolls. I used the OMOD install, Lite version with several features. Also installed the Patch 1.34 Beta Patch.
What I'm finding is that at Cell -52 -6, a short way from Anvil, I am getting CTD without fail whilst OOO is loaded. What is odd about this issue is that if I visit the same area with a speed of 255, I move through the area quickly enough to not hit the CTD. I've not encountered it anywhere else at the moment.
My reason for thinking it is OOO is because OOO is the only 'new' Mod I have installed (the updated version), and the problem is instantly resolved when OOO is removed, whilst removing other Mods does resolve the issue.
I'd be grateful of any advice you can give on whether this problem is just mine, or if there's a means to resolve it.
The 1.34 Beta 5 Patch does not include the Lite version, so if you installed it then you're using the Full version. If you really don't want the Full version, then you might be better off just installing the 1.33b Lite Version Patch that's linked in the main post of this thread. IIRC the 1.33b Lite patch does include some cell-related fixes that might help.
The only way to know for sure if the CTD you encountered is caused by OOO is to run OOO by itself (no other mods) and go to the same area. However, it's unlikely that it is caused by OOO alone or we should've gotten other reports of a problem like this by now.
It's possible that moving very quickly through the area would prevent you from encountering any number of potential CTD problems (things like fights among spawns in the area, NPC AI travel package problems, etc.). I'll check that cell to see if I can spot anything odd, though.
EDIT: I just checked and OOO doesn't change anything in that cell. It is a border region, though, so perhaps the problem is related to that. Maybe something to do with pathfinding or AI targets across a border? Might be worth checking some other border regions.