Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.33 has been out for a while now and beta testing is well underway for 1.34 (see further down for details on the test versions).
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul aims to make Oblivion a much more interesting, challenging, realistic and dangerous place, and also offers great rewards for the daring adventurer regardless of your level.
You must be prepared to cast aside your previous notions about Cyrodiil. The world no longer revolves around you, the player. Do not expect to be able to beat every monster or NPC you meet. Previously familiar areas may now be much more dangerous and you will frequently be forced to retreat from enemies who are too powerful to beat until you are stronger. You will probably die a lot more often now. However, if you have the ingenuity, skill, and luck to survive the odds stacked against you then you will be justly rewarded for your bravery!
There are four different downloads available: the Upgrade package is available as a 68Mb OMOD-ready archive or a 78Mb standalone EXE installer, and the Complete package is available as a 403Mb OMOD-ready archive or a 408Mb standalone EXE installer.
Now there's also a 1.33 Patch that just includes the updated plugins. You must already have a complete install of 1.32.Final before adding the 1.33 patch!
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Download either the Complete or Upgrade version. Both include OMOD conversion data with an install script that guides you through the install process and option choices. This is the recommended install method, but there's also a standalone installer EXE available if you don't use OBMM.
Upgrade version requires prior install of OOO 1.3 Base. You've been warned!
For more details, see:
* Huge thanks to MiSP for the new Readme PDF and the OMOD installer scripts.
* Thanks to Floydian1 and MadCat221 for the screenshots.
* Special thanks to ElminsterEU for the amazing TES4Edit editor and adding features to help improve the OOO master file.
Known Issues with 1.33
- Vista users beware of the EXE installer! If you use the EXE version on Vista you may not get all the resource files when you install. Best way to avoid this is to use the OMOD installation or the manual 7zip installation. If you still prefer to use the EXE, then you must install twice: once without picking any options and then again picking the options you want.
- If you use the LITE version of 1.33, you need this replacement: It's a critical fix for some stuff that got accidentally left out of the LITE version esp file.
- The 1.33 Complete OMOD-ready archive may not have the latest ESM/ESP. To be sure you have the latest ESM/ESP, install the 1.33 Patch files after installing 1.33 Complete (only applies to OMOD-ready version).
- CTD when attempting to enter Alval Uvani's house upstairs. Get the fixed Harvest Containers mesh by XMarksTheSpot
By dev_akm, MadCat221, VagabondAngel, ElminsterEU, Showler, Sein_Spvssyn, Kivan, bg2408, Shadowborn, f3l1p3, XMarksTheSpot, Arkngt, Shikishima, Tarnsman, The Old Ye Bard
Changelog: (consolidated change list including previous beta versions)
- Entirely new custom sword design for Light of Dawn by VagabondAngel. LoD is now one of the best-looking swords ever made for Oblivion -- an all-new, custom, OOO-exclusive design by VA. Each stage of the taint removal process now has a unique appearance. When you first recover it, the blade has has been badly tainted by Lord Volmyr's efforts to weaken and eventually destroy it. It appears to be heavily coated in grime (the taint), but can be gradually restored to its former power and pristine appearance. Taint stage textures and sound effects by MadCat221. Scripting and icon by dev_akm.
- If you use the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), then the Light of Dawn scripts will detect this and enable an optional flaming version when the sword is unsheathed. The flame swapping option is enabled by default, but if you don't like it, you can disable flame swapping with the console command: ~Set OOOLightOfDawnUseFlame to 0
- Improved map marker fix script so you should get start-game markers for Imperial City only. The assumption here is that Imperial City is the only city in Cyrodiil that your character has previously visited (otherwise how did you end up in jail there?).
- Removed OnReset enable (and some OnLoad enable) statements from the OOOHC Harvest [Containers] scripts. This should prevent player home upgrades from appearing before they are bought, and also will avoid conflicts with the UOP3 method for removing problem containers (disabling rather than deleting to prevent on-exit CTDs). The change in OOO prevents these problems, but won't fix existing savegames where it has already happened. When something is enabled or disabled by a script, the change is stored in your savegame. OOO can't fix that easily, if at all. However, if you already had player home upgrades appear without buying them, then you can simply do the honorable thing and disable the stuff you haven't bought (using the console ~click->disable), then go to the store and purchase the upgrade, which enables the stuff again. Note that this change also removes backward compatibility with early versions of Harvest [Containers]. If you've been using an extremely old version of HC (before the animations were added), you probably shouldn't install this version of OOO).
- Moved fish spawn into a separate plugin called OOO-WaterFish.esp. This change was made to avoid a random vanishing landscape bug and to reduce the number of cell changes made by OOO.esp. This change essentially finishes what we started back in the 1.32 hotfixes, where we disabled the OOOFishSpawn by default due to AI overload problems associated with the fish. The OOOFishSpawn console command is no longer necessary now since the fish spawn placements will only exist in-game if you use OOO-WaterFish.esp. If you do choose to use OOO-WaterFish.esp then you can still take advantage of the OOOFishSpawn console command to temporarily disable the fish whenever you want.
- OOO-WaterFish includes optimized fish scripts to improve performance when the fish are disabled (the script no longer checks distance to player when fish are disabled).
- Potential fix for CTD-on-exit experienced by some users. All deleted references have now been un-deleted; instead, they are now initially disabled and sunk out of the way (changed Z-index).
- Numerous fixes based on the Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.2, including Imperial Dragon Armor enchantments, stat fixes for Bruma Allies (MQ11) to help them survive, many guard fixes (missing clothes and armor, wrong keys, missing Light Armor skills, etc), many NPC AI packages, Hackdirt Villagers faction, Fighters Guild Porter "stalking" fix, stop Legion Foresters from fighting each other, etc. Huge thanks to Kivan for permission to incorporate the most recent UOP fixes where OOO overlaps UOP.
- Improved UOP fixes to vanilla quests based on UOP 3.2. Huge thanks to f3l1p3 for this!
- Added spell merchants workaround to help ensure that OOO spells are available for sale even if a later-loading mod changes the vendor. Huge thanks to bg2408 for this!
- Tweaked most NPC enemy faction relations to have extra dislike for the player faction so they will attack you before attacking any nearby mudcrabs, etc.
- Restored Dark Fissure as a Necromancer stronghold, per lore, removing Putrid Hand spawns from that cave since they are a competing faction. Thanks to MadCat221 for this change.
- Support for Choices & Consequences compatibility patch.
- Integrated Ayleid Coin by Tarnsman. This replaces the old Platinum Coin.
- Integrated Ayleid Weapon Rebalance by MadCat221.
- Nomenclature overhaul for Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weapons (AMIW) by MadCat221 with help from lore guru The Old Ye Bard (AKA: TOYB). This means they all have new names!
- Updated meshes and textures for Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weapons and boosted restore magicka effect to make them more helpful. Huge thanks to MadCat221 for these improvements.
- More complete Wrye Bash tags to avoid problems with UOP 3.2.
- Fixed numerous minor issues with loot lists and added new item grade-specific lists to make it easier for add-ons to take advantage of OOO custom items.
- Made Hindaril stronger, but he still needs more improvements.
- Fixed Light Armor skills on Dragonborne Knights.
- Rebalanced Carla Du Vrey (one of the Putrid Hand leaders). Thanks to MadCat221 for this change.
- NPC tweaks to Archmage Hannibal Travan, Count Janus Hassildor, and Regulus Terentius, including several sleep packages (so they don't wear armor/weapons to bed). Huge thanks to MadCat221 for these corrections!
- Skingrad Guard Cuirass and Shield changed to Heavy Armor to match the other Skingrad Guard armor.
- Added Mogens Windshifter faction relationships.
- Harvest Containers mesh fix by XMarksTheSpot (resolves CTD when attempting to enter Alval Uvani's house upstairs).
- Fix to make sure Eregor is enabled/disabled at the proper time (resolves an issue in the Shadows in a Struggle for Power quest).
- Fix to prevent Skyrim Bandit leaders from getting killed before facing the player.
- Fixed missing mipmaps on Heaven's Fury sword.
- Minor item name fixes and spelling corrections.
- Changed Mud Crabs to be less hated by residents of Cyrodiil. Hopefully this will reduce the number of times when an enemy ignores you to attack a Mud Crab.
- Added some of the vanilla changes from OOO.esp into OOO.esm (so they're not just in the OOO.esp). This should make it a bit easier to use OOO.esm in TESCS. However, it also means you must be very careful if you attempt to clean OOO.esp using TES4Edit.
- Increased chance of finding Fine Iron and Fine Steel weapons.
- Added Worn Leather Gauntlets to the Slave Traders so they won't bother wearing any wrist irons they might be carrying.
- Fixed Slavers and Smugglers quest so the final stages mark the quest as finished.
- Fixed Lap's wine-making scripts so they only work when the object is activated by the player, not when used by NPCs.
- Fixed Neville's chest script to prevent a problem with a Dark Brotherhood quest.
- Fixed script for some of the imperial legion cuirass/cape combos that had problems.
- Added IgnoreGeomancy option to disable Geomancy.
- Added "cooloff" timer for Gargoyle's Skin of Stone spell so they won't cast it so often.
- Added GetPlayerInSEWorld checks to all quests so they won't break if the player has Shivering Isles. This means OOO now requires the 1.2.0416 patch for Oblivion, but does not require the Shivering Isles expansion.
- Added a potion that may help the player get past the Frost Titan near Bruma during a certain early quest.
- Moved Seridur's Blood Stained Jewelry Box so it can be reached.
- Made the King of Miscarand and his zombies more deadly.
- Fixed numerous spawn lists to give better variety of enemies.
- Fixed Black Soul Gem dummy from Mages Guild quest so it uses the Leviathan mesh rather than vanilla mesh.
OOO Project Status
The work continues! Many great new things are on the way. Upcoming improvements that are in development for the next beta release of OOO 1.34 are described below. Most of this work is already done, but we are still testing and tweaking it.
General changes and additions include:
- A completely new quest by Shadowborn. Without giving away too much, the quest is designed for mid-level characters (exact details still being ironed out). It involves the Knights of the Dragonborn and the various Goblin Tribes.
- A large selection of unique rewards for killing Gargoyles. Finally some well-deserved rewards can gained if you are brave enough to defeat these powerful monsters. Huge thanks to bg2408 for this.
- Additional in-game hints, clues, and lore related to the some of the unique static items you can find. This will be an ongoing effort. The first of these additions is created by Dazu and relates to SunChild.
- Massive corrections to the spelling and grammar in the books, notes, and other texts added by OOO. Huge thanks to Dazu for this.
- Support for Shivering Isles. This will be an optional plugin for folks who have Shivering Isles. At a minimum, we are hoping to include OMOBS weapon stats, rebalanced enemies, and Harvest Containers. This will be an ongoing effort to make some sense of the insanity.
- Support for Knights of the Nine. Adapted from FCOM_Knights, this optional plugin rebalances KotN with stronger enemies, OMOBS weapon stats, and resolves conflicts with the quest rewards.
- PyFFI mesh optimizations and BSA resources! Most resources optimized and moved into BSA files! This involves a huge amount of work and testing to get the BSAs working properly, including fixes for texture paths, missing mipmaps, and various mesh properties. See separate change list below for details.
- Light of Dawn sword scripts now include better detection of player vampire status.
- Removed debug comments from LapDrunkScript.
- Additional improvements for Carla Du Vrey and Hindaril.
- Additional script fixes for AMIW.
- BSA split into 3 separate files: Textures, Meshes, Sound, all of which are uncompressed.
- Changed mesh and texture paths to avoid overlaps with Martigen's Monster Mod for some creatures used in both mods.
- Added mipmaps to all "worn" armor textures.
- Fixed bad texture path in the "unfinished steel" cuirass meshes.
- Renamed the "unfinished steel" armor meshes to "cuirass.nif".
- Includes PyFFI mesh optimizations by HawkerT. Optimizations include: these mesh folders: architecture, clutter, dungeons, harvest, RD, Rocks, va, Weapons.
- Added mipmaps and removed unused alpha channels from defensive staffs; removed transparency settings from NIF properties on the staffs that don't use transparency.
- New ESM/ESP is included due to changes in "unfinished steel" armor mesh paths.