This might be a tad early to ask, but who want to buy the ESO's music as an OST? Will ZOS sale the music as OST download or as CD's if they do?
So no one even thinking about getting the music from ESO?
Music isn't bad just want the game to come first haha
Oh my friend trust me, they will sell a CD with the soundtracks, anything to make money, they won't miss on that.
And yes, the music will be worth the money its amazing ambient music, it has everything, but what I will hate is that money hungry zenimax won't care if its good or not, only care that people will buy it, I would love if they appreciated their own investment instead of the sheet of numbers, oh wall, dreaming of a perfect world I guess.
I'm sure we will see an OST as the music is amazing.
Where does all of this hate come from?
I heard some music that I thought was from previous TES games. In the past, they had a music cd from Morrowind in the CE. I don't know if they ever released any other actual cds but there is some music on the Elder Scrolls website to listen to under the download section.
I have always thought the game music was beautiful, my favorite was from Morrowind.
I totally need the OST of TESO. Absolutely!
music is something i have never bought from a game. very few games music have had a lasting effect. zelda and mario stand out still
I would love to have the book, could care less about the rest of it.
The store where i pre-ordered they gave the OST as a present for a limited time. This was the store Don't know if they still give it but only with pre-ordering.
(scroll down at bottom of link)
I have they sell OST on the ZOS main web site soon also!
I also have the OST of Pirates of the Burning Sea. I still listen to it. Same as NVN2. Can't wait for my TESO's
No my friend, I do not enjoy thieves being encouraged by people with open wallets.
Trust me, I have no money issues, but to cripple a game I like for the sake of money, I will speak up, no matter how much money you throw at them, be my guest.
EDIT: I was talking about the game money wise overall, not this specific OST just to be clear.
Gets her 8-tracks and records out //Not really, but it was fun to say... lol
Who else likes to listen to game music then more "main steam" style / type of music?
the music was incredibly lack luster for an adventure game, Its one of my few disappointments in this game....
if u get a beta invite to wild star...listen to the music...its ammmazzinnngg!
For at least the last decade I just turn off in-game music without even bothering to listen to it. It annoys me.
That is a shame Each to their own -- I almost listen to game music all the time.