Like I said in my response above, I don't think a groups standing is measured by the individual strength of it's members. Doing so is poor practice in the long run. If you however, would have said that Morag Tong isn't an elite group because seeing as how some of it's members are poor assassins and sometimes fail, the groups standing is diminished. Then, I'd agree with you

That was what I implied.
Who said anything about a force? The question was regarding an elite group. Force implies physical or magical prowess. I'd say a group of highly skilled politicians can be a fierce group to be reconned with. Politicans can do more damage than a sword before a conflict has even begun, or even start it.
You misunderstood me, when I used the word "elite force" I meant exactly the same as an "elite group", or rather, the power that such a group has. It is basically the same thing. You're taking my words to litterary, and you must also consider that English isn't my first language, so I might not know of all the nuances it contains, or I might have misunderstood words or made up my own context between them.
Anyway, as I said, politicians aren't an elite group, unless you count their (in game terms, of course) Speechcraft skill, the thing that makes them politicians. You're basically arguing with me by agreeing with me. :foodndrink:
I agree. However, I do think, that even such a group can do some great things and be considered as elite, IF, they are able to accomplish great goals, or have guidance from some great leader for the same reason.
Of course, but does a great leader make up for the "lowliness" of the rest? Most of the members seemed to me to be nothing else than bitter racists, sitting in bars drinking sujamma and complaining, beating up the occasional argonian in a dark alley somewhere. There probably existed an elite layer of people somewhere in the "organisation", which were the ones that directed what were supposed to happen, and the ones that got things done. But all organisations have that. Almalexia's Hands are the "elite layer" of their "organisation", an elite group of Ordinators. I do not believe there is such a group known within the Camonna Tong.
I think the Blades adapt to whatever situation the Emperor requires. There's far too much focus on them being spies simply because people don't want to let go of their Morrowind "vision" of them.
I do too. I don't see why the Blades wouldn't be able to be both the Emperor's intelligence, both at home and abroad, and at the same time be his bodyguards. I only reacted to the "Anything fictional can be retconned. Even lore." statement, which I interpreted as saying "now all Blades are warriors".
It's just to different branches of the same tree.