nice thread

OK they should be inspired by dark messiah magic/combat, of course they must improve on it a lot (but telekinesis should stay the same), the many ways you can kill the enemy was that games highest achievement, and body movements looked more natural.
stealth should definitely be just like the thief game series its the best fantasy stealth to date.
Diablo should give inspiration for spells and item plethora and maybe gems and socket-ed items this time around!
Witcher should give inspiration in the alchemy department and some combat moves and disciplines as well.
Dragon age should give inspiration in the character depth section, make people seem alive, sixy, and full of background, how did you think the human race survived this long! its not our brains I can tell you that.
I did not vote wow but they should definitely look into the crafting professions from that game and maybe some spell ideas other than that its not ES material.
oh ya and assassin creed should inspire them to make bigger more lively cities and great body animations, and cool melee combat

if they mutate all these games Skyrim will be great indeed
and before some rabid fan tells me ES is ES only, I tell you before hand I want them to take only the technical/game play ideas and not story duh! :thumbsup: