So I made this thread for one reason. I get the feeling there are no other strong powerfull and monsterious beasts aside from dragons. Giants and mamoths from the trialer look a lot like mere normal foes.
Now before I get a lot of flak from people who like dragons, so do I. I'm just saying is there any other cretures that could rival them, like a balrog type creture, or are dragons the undisputed and only bosses of Skyrim?
How would we know? We've seen five minutes of gameplay, half of which was Todd staring at plants and his character's back.
We've seen a grand total of six different NPCs in action: Bandits, guards, draugr, mammoths, giants, and dragons. Todd was playing with an overpowered character. We have absolutely no sense of how dangerous the game, or any one type of creature, will be in actual gameplay.
I get the feeling dragons will be sort of a "random boss encounter" -style thing. Notably harder than standard fare, but showing up irregularly enough that they don't end up completely overwhelming the player's appreciation of static "boss"-calibre foes.
I'm sure there will be other boss-type characters, like Liches in Oblivion and all, but I don't expect anything to rival dragons whatsoever. They're god-like creatures that have come to destroy the world. Or at least most of them.
I don't expect anything to come close to dragons. No real reason to expect anything to either.
Higher rank draugr are mentioned, as some sort of bosses, but I doubt that there will be anything more powerful then dragons. Rarely anything is in epic fantasy. I don't understand why does this bother you. However, I too am concerned, and wouldn't like if other encounters in the game were easy, even at higher character levels. Creatures leveling up with the player would be a damn bad solution, might I add.
This; I may be an Arachnophobic but I'm really curious about the Spiders in Skyrim. I mean, will we come across a Shelob boss-type spider in a deep dark cave?
I really hope that they have some unique boss creatures/enemies. By that, I don't mean something like the Udyfrykte Matron, which was basically an overgrown troll in appearance. Including a few completely unique boss creatures would really add to the game.
If there's a giant spider boss, I'm not going to stick around long enough to conduct experiments. Arachnophobia is a terrible, terrible thing to have when coupled with a love of high fantasy.
I'm sure you'll still have your high level enemies from each category. lichs, wraiths for undead, atronachs and deadroths for daedra. the mammoths are prolly the scariest for nature creatures, but I expect bears, and possibly a large feline (sabre-toothed cat, perhaps?) you'll still have high level human enemiesas well.
Dragons are the predetermined bosses in skyrim. that doesn't mean there wont be other high level enemies. skyrim isn't gunna be filled with just dragons, rats, and mudcrabs.