"les dragons survolent les temples qui leur sont dédiés" ---> Dragons fly around temples dedicated to them (though they do other things too, but I didn't want to write the whole paragraph)
"les coups critiques se voient désormais affublés d'actions contextuelles. Planter sa hache dans le cou ou une dague en pleine poitrine vient parfois clore le combat" ---> critical hits now have different animations, and sometimes an axe in the throat or a dagger in the tummy will finish the fight
"Il y a par exemple, ce géant que nous avons croisé près de riverwood. Tant que vous ne l'attaquez pas, il continuera sa route" --> As an example, there's this giant we saw near riverwood. as long as you don't attack it, it'll keep minding its own business
"...qui se focalisent sur les 120 dongeons de Skyrim, TOUS DIFFéRENTS" ---> ...who focus on the 120 dungeons in Skyrim, ALL DIFFERENT
"...ou de lancer..." ---> Couldn't really CLEARLY make this out, and the actual sentence is LONG, but it seems like throwing weapons are back. Unless they consider bosw as throwing weapons, but I think they would have said it otherwise
That's pretty much all I could make out that I haven't heard about in the forums