Well, this is more of a thought than a well-thought-off suggestion, but I would like to see some other, more flexible payment option offered in ESO (well, and in MMOs in general)
I am not talking about f2p stuff, but something that would allow someone like me, who would like to play the game but have extremely limited free time, to play whenever he can, without feeling like throwing money away for a monthly fee that he rarely actually uses.
I am thinking something along the lines of "pay as you go". This can easily be with a daily fee. The system has my credit card info and each time I log-in it charges a specific amount for a 24-h period.
Or I pre-charge my game account with a XX amount (could have a minimal amount to add like 10-20 dollars to avoid high processing costs) and use that (so that there are no constant payment charges).
The cost can be anything from 0.50 to 1 euros (that's 15e/month to 30e/month compared to the flat 13e/month). That way the monthly fee makes more sense and is much better for someone that plays every day, or even every other day (for the 1e/day), but still people that have limited time can also dive in and not think about if it's worth it or not.
This is not being cheap or anything, I just don't feel at this point that playing a game at most 2 days a week is worth paying 13 euros per month for.
On the other hand I would have no problem paying even 1 euro for a day session (even if I end up playing for a couple of hours) if it only charged me for the times I actually play. And I could switch to monthly subscription whenever I thought it would make more sense.
Well, this is all based on my trying to decide whether it's worth getting the game or not. And how just because it is "standard" for an MMO to offer just monthly subscription we don't feel cheated paying for a month even if we want to play for a day or two. (Plus for me it kinda puts an extra stress factor of "you have to play the game more cause you're paying for it", even thought I don't really care about the 13 euros, it's the principal of the thing)