Other ways to improve Teamplay?

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:32 pm

Is taking away Stats really the best way to improve Teamplay? i mean Really?????

and Stats doesnt JUST mean k/d ratio, its wins/loses, Total XP/XP PER Match (avg), Time played, Time played with each weapon/class/bodytype and rly everything else you do in the game

Besides XP gained none of thats there and it seems the reason is because ppl are afraid ppl will get fixated on kills?????

You all say its to frustrating having to worry about stats, I say its frustrating that after playing through an awesome match and having an awesome experiences my little character slate gets wiped clean.

Simply dont have Stats online if its that much of problem, Global Leaderboards are meaningless

But there got to be other ways of improving Teamplay besides eliminating a STAPLE in online gaming

Why not make XP for Kills decrease after each successive one, the only way to make it reset is to help a teammate buff/heal/resupply, there if you want to be a kill~hore youll get less XP with each one untill you help out your friends

And on the opposite side every time you heal/revive someone without maybe taking some shots at an enemy your XP decreases too,
Because whats just as bad as somebody just concerned about kills? Its the medic who will keep letting you die just so he can revive you over and over ( ala MAG & BF2 )

My point is there is better ways to improve on teambased play than making it so that when everyone hits lvl 20 they will basiclly be exactly the same, no matter how good you are or how much skill you have 2 guys boosting in Co-Op will have all the same stuff as you in the end

I cant wait to play the game but i just wished theyd taken a different road

and if the only arguement against Player Stats is that YOU can't control yourself from caring about them, i dont think thats a very acceptable answer

You Say WHY? I Say WHY NOT?

I havent really read this thourogly, but Id like to point out that you can only revive a certain amount of times until you run out of pips. Unless Im mistaken, there are three pip blocks/bars or whatever you want to call it?
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michael flanigan
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:45 pm

I havent really read this thourogly, but Id like to point out that you can only revive a certain amount of times until you run out of pips. Unless Im mistaken, there are three pip blocks/bars or whatever you want to call it?

do u have to die to get more or can u get resupplied?
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Lily Something
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:45 pm

I do believe this warrants a man-hug.

LOL i do strangely feel better about myself nowby golly i think we are on to somthing :hugs:

Agreed. Quick one?
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:12 pm

do u have to die to get more or can u get resupplied?

It comes back after awhile
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Stephanie I
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:23 am

do u have to die to get more or can u get resupplied?

Im not 100% sure on this but I would guess that soldiers can resupply you. I mean, part of what this guy is saying I kind of agree with. I would like to be able to check quirky stats, IMO. Like how long you held a gun, or longest worn item of clothing. I think checking wins/losses will really try and prompt people to do whatever it takes to win the match. Think of it this way
High K/D-"well the best way to get this is to kill [censored]"
High W/L- "hmm the only way I could have this one be high is to win, and if I want to win I have to help.....(LIGHTBULB!).....my team by supporting them and completeing objectives!"
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:18 pm

do whatever it takes to win the match.

Including switching to the winning team.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:36 am

Including switching to the winning team.

One of SD reasons for NOT having games won vs loss as a stat, because people do it all the time.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:34 am

For the people asking about "pips" - Supplies and Health are BOTH measured in "pips" - it's a unit of measurement used by the game developers to describe how the bars are divided up.

Health pips only regenerate when not emptied, so if you have 4 pips of health, then lose a little bit over 2, you'll have one full pip, and one partial pip. After a short delay, the partial pip will refill, but the LOST PIPS CAN ONLY BE HEALED BY A MEDIC. Also worth mentioning, your last pip of health is actually a decent-sized bar, the others are short little stumps added onto the end as a sort of "bonus health" above the main bar.

Supplies, which you use for grenades and class-specific abilities, have a separate bar, also divided into pips. Unlike health, though, the whole bar regenerates. You use an ability that costs 2 supply pips, after a short time, those pips will BOTH regenerate.

Soldiers have an ability called "Scavenge" which lets them regain Supply pips immediately by looting enemy corpses.

Medics have an ability that increases the recharge rate of Supplies. They also have the ability to pass their Supply pips to another player. Revives cost a lot of Supplies though, so you won't be able to just run around reviving your whole team one by one (there's a Lazarus Grenade for that). Also, there's a cooldown on all abilities, so there's a short delay between revives even when you have the Supplies to spare.

There's also a universal ability that gives you one extra Supplies pip - just like there's one for Health.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:13 pm

Including switching to the winning team.

Isnt that solved with auto-balancing? i cant remember the last time i could switch to the winning team at the last second
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:10 pm

I also dont really understand how on one hand ppl will say that Brink is its own game and not trying to be like COD

yet to defend that statement you use other games, like ones without stats, as examples

Brink is not COD, not even close, and EVERY online game i've played ppl will play how they want regardless

When i played WoW forever ago before they had any tracking of kills and junk, ppl still made Twinks to [censored] u in multiplayer. yes before there was any rank or point system for it they just did cuz they wanted too.

To eliminate a feature in the game (especially when they are tracking most the stuff ANYWAYS so they can adjust the balance) to maybe cut down on camping a bit, i just think its kindof a shame

I will play and fun regardless as long as the game lasts, i just think itll last alot longer on PC over Consoles with this move
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:25 am

Your speaking in absolutes. No it won't stop it altogether but it won't hurt. And yes it is your opinion that you play to win every single time. I don't and i want to have fun with my game which is why I run around and [censored] half the match.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:16 am

If you dont like lone wolves then play with a team dont request a great feature be removed from the game. If you cant find a team then work on your social skills maybe? Either way if you have a team these people your so scared of infecting your game wont even matter. But as Crispeh said in another post lone wolves or not, your gonna get waxed if your going up against a well put together team with a bunch of randoms whether those randoms are lone wolfing or not.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:22 am

Hi everyone, just signed up now, although ive been reading the forums and following brink for a long time.

Reading this thread got me interested and I though,t well the games out soon might as well sign up an get involved. My thoughts on stats coming from a competitive background (started on TFC and ended up playing european halo lan tournies) are a bit mixed, like someone said before me, i like quirky stats and I think they can add some fun to the game, little things at the end of a match like most knock downs, most revives etc. I have no idea if the game includes this kind of thing though, do we know what the post game report looks like?
At the same time though I have experienced the effect stats can have on your mentality. After I gave up competitive play I would just play with my friends who arent great but we would still do well. When we started playing cod and I found out about that stats in particular games won/game lost I wouldnt play unless we had a full party online because I wanted to keep my wins up and felt that couldnt be done without a full party. So even though it really meant nothing and I would still choose not to play and be bored unless we got that full party...... Bit sad.

So on that side of things I can see how including certain types of stats can have a negative effect. I never really thought about it before in terms of other players cause I always had a full party of friends so I was never subjected to the selfish lone wolf random but i do see now.

Basically I think Brink looks amazing, the video are taking me back to old TFC memories and whilst part of me would like to see some stats tracked I really dont mind them not including this, I just want to enjoy it.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:01 am

Isnt that solved with auto-balancing? i cant remember the last time i could switch to the winning team at the last second

Correct. But instead of auto balancing, (like in TF2) where a player at random will switch to a team that has less players, if a player on one team 'rage quits' or just quits early, a bot will fill its place to keep the teams balanced. I have also heard the bots can hardly be notice to be bots. That they act more human then a normal bot would.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:53 am

Correct. But instead of auto balancing, (like in TF2) where a player at random will switch to a team that has less players, if a player on one team 'rage quits' or just quits early, a bot will fill its place to keep the teams balanced. I have also heard the bots can hardly be notice to be bots. That they act more human then a normal bot would.

Well that could work both ways, the bots could of been really lifelike and svcked, or be really lifelike and destroyed.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:16 pm

Well that could work both ways, the bots could of been really lifelike and svcked, or be really lifelike and destroyed.

Well all that I know is that they are supposed to be hard to distinguish between bots and players. More like you wont notice if your playing a match with bots in it.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:29 am

I'd like someone to clear this once for all- are we do not have k/d, kills stats kept, or any stats wont be saved, tracked?

If thats so it quite worrying, ppl are competitive from nature, and love to compare , even if its just between friends. Its part of game: Win/ loss, missions done- defence-offence, etc,Also no stats whatsoever leads ,imo to two problems:

- memory can be deceitful, and sometimes you might only think , believe that you have good game, when for example playing other set-up, approach, strategy was actually more effective. being able to see change is mission points can be " cast iron" proof of improve or decline in gameplay.

-lets say someone want advice about specific map/mission. he gets two advices- both contradicting each other. Without stats he got no tools whatsoever to check are these guys knows what they talking about. With stats saved , he can see that player A is a beast in mission he need advice , when player B barely had success, so he chooses Player's A method and he is succesful.

I am against k/d ratio in objective based games, but i spend 2 years in games with objectives and deep stats and they were very helpful.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:11 am

Your speaking in absolutes. No it won't stop it altogether but it won't hurt. And yes it is your opinion that you play to win every single time. I don't and i want to have fun with my game which is why I run around and [censored] half the match.

Which is where the other side of the stats argument comes in. If this is a team based game, you messing around for half the match could screw your team, stats keep many players more focused. You can't have a team game be fun for everyone if half the team is just screwing around.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:20 pm

Which is where the other side of the stats argument comes in. If this is a team based game, you messing around for half the match could screw your team, stats keep many players more focused. You can't have a team game be fun for everyone if half the team is just screwing around.

this is also interesting point- many ppl will just dont contribute to missions , if stats wont be saved, they will feel its " not important" , " not real" ," none will see that anyway" , and just go for a personal vendettas, or wander around pointlessly.
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