and Stats doesnt JUST mean k/d ratio, its wins/loses, Total XP/XP PER Match (avg), Time played, Time played with each weapon/class/bodytype and rly everything else you do in the game
Besides XP gained none of thats there and it seems the reason is because ppl are afraid ppl will get fixated on kills?????
You all say its to frustrating having to worry about stats, I say its frustrating that after playing through an awesome match and having an awesome experiences my little character slate gets wiped clean.
Simply dont have Stats online if its that much of problem, Global Leaderboards are meaningless
But there got to be other ways of improving Teamplay besides eliminating a STAPLE in online gaming
Why not make XP for Kills decrease after each successive one, the only way to make it reset is to help a teammate buff/heal/resupply, there if you want to be a kill~hore youll get less XP with each one untill you help out your friends
And on the opposite side every time you heal/revive someone without maybe taking some shots at an enemy your XP decreases too,
Because whats just as bad as somebody just concerned about kills? Its the medic who will keep letting you die just so he can revive you over and over ( ala MAG & BF2 )
My point is there is better ways to improve on teambased play than making it so that when everyone hits lvl 20 they will basiclly be exactly the same, no matter how good you are or how much skill you have 2 guys boosting in Co-Op will have all the same stuff as you in the end
I cant wait to play the game but i just wished theyd taken a different road
and if the only arguement against Player Stats is that YOU can't control yourself from caring about them, i dont think thats a very acceptable answer
You Say WHY? I Say WHY NOT?