In the first part of the mission tank ride you have to take out the Pinger or be forever squashed by the truck. I've watched about 10 videos of this game play over the web and in every single video when Tara yells "Pinger dead ahead" the players shoot the tank gun and the ICV's behind them shoot rockets. Pinger goes down no problem. In my game, the guys behind me do not help. There are no rockets at all and the tank gun can't do the trick. I've tried 50 times to no avail and cannot finish the game. Are they supposed to help with rockets? Should my tank have a secondary waepon or something so I can add more fire power. This is really irritating to pay for a game you cannot finish. Would someone please let me know why my game isn't like every video I've watched? Has this happened to anyone else? I've even restarted the mission but no change. I've changed difficulty as well but no change. Thanks!
Thanks Reaper but I don't have rockets. I'm using the default key bindings. The secondary weapon works with the jeep/hummer type vehicles but not the tank. Mouse2 does nothing. I tried remapping it to another key but it still does nothing. I reset it back to the default binding but no rockets. I'm so bummed!!
thats odd, the ai never does anything for me, i just use the rockets using second mouse button, then the pinger dies after 1 or 2 waves of 4 rockets, and ive gone through twice, ill try again in awhile and see wht happens
I've also got the same problem. Tried reassigning secondary weapons to other mouse keys - no luck. Moreover - if you try switching primary and secondary weapon buttons - it does not work either, the primary still shoots when you press LMB and RMB still does not do anything. Is there any chance to kill the pinger using normal cannon, or I should stop playing until this bug is patched?