Hrrm, I'm going to go for something like waking up bound in the woods surrouned by guards, who then force you to walk to the edge of a cliff and just as you are admiring the awesome view a swift kick sends you over the edge. Then you land injured in a lake below...
Yeah, they need to start you off in a moment of pure peril. No wandering out of a sewer system this time...
The opening scene could begin with you
under water. This is because you're being assaulted by a pair of Nords who are attempting to drown you in a nearby river. As you struggle to break free of their grasp, your head is pushed further under. All you hear is the sound of your own death gurgles and the muffled screams of your assailants. Suddenly two swift arrow strikes punctuate this moment. Buried deep into the throats of your attackers, this timely bowmanship frees you from immediate predicament. As you surface and gasp for air, your vision adjusts to your surroundings. From out of a copse of trees appears a cowled figure, your saviour. Delivered from certain death, you reach out to thank the figure, but this gesture is not returned. Instead the shadowy figure clubs you in the head. All is black.
You awake on a log that is being swept down a fast-flowing river. The sound of rushing water grows louder, almost deafening now. A huge waterfall is racing to meet you. You fall a hundred feet into the lake below.
that’s an opening.