Because youre forced to pre order a game still in beta still under an NDA to even have the option of those things.
There are a couple schools of thought on all this.
You have one group who thinks it pay to win. Marginal but there can be a case made.
There is another who are citing a pay wall to content. Which is a very valid point.
There is a third more simple approach. This is a SUBSCRIPTION game, therefore everyone should get access to everything it offers.
The whole CE spin is that its a perk for pre ordering. Well that may or may not be technically true we dont know if they will ever offer it in the store, my assumption is they will. So then it definitely stops being a pre order perk and just a thinly veiled cash shop item.
Now all these things end up being connected in some way. Because that is how convoluted it all is.
If Zenimax wanted to add Imperials why not just do it? Theyre obviously in the game if they werent they couldnt offer them. So why are they a pre order bonus? Rhetorical question, answer is because theyre an advantage and a PREMIUM item and people will pay (extra) for them.
Even the treasure maps are borderline as well. As is the mount. If someone has a mount as soon as they log in and it takes the 'average' player until say level 20 to obtain enough money to get a mount how is that not an advantage either? The person who got theirs through game play waits 20 levels AND spends in game cash for it. Guys who spent an extra 20 bux in real life cash got it and will still have the in game gold they would have spent.
When people can look at stuff that is so blatantly 'wrong' and still not see any problem with it then there is really no debating with them they just dont get it.
The people that defend this approach are not ever going to find anything negative about anything this game does. Hell Zenimax could file for bankruptcy tomorrow and not refund any money and never release the game and these people would still try some way to spin it to make Zenimax look good. Thats how deluded many of these people are.