A PC that can play Skyrim on medium settings these days can be made for under $600. Even so, I know not everyone has the funds for a computer, but many can afford one who would still get a console over a PC - why anyone in their right mind would do this I know not. Maybe if the keyboard and mouse is too complex for them...
Using Oblivion as a comparison, we can't say anything about Skyrim but, how you know is beyond me.
I've played both on PC and Console. At first I had a PC that ran it on "Medium" budget like you said. Sure it ran, it ran like crap, and medium looked much worse than the Xbox360. So basically paying twice as much for half the experience? Note that this is near release, now you can make an Oblivion-ready machine for like 400, with the most expensive piece being the case, buying retail anyway, a lot of the older hardware isn't in circulation anymore. A True bargain hunter could probably get it for 200, but with the time you save by not searching, you could have made even more out of the difference.
Of course, I dropped in a new card (Another 150 so we're up to 750 now) and it ran great and played smooth as butter, but still, I really can't stand this whole "Omg gaming pc not expensive, can just buy for med settings lolol" Because it's pointless and stupid unless you are into modding. You also assume someone can build their own in order to get the best deal possible, and with that comes risk. When I was practice building, I fried 2 motherboards (On old Intel 133mhz's so lol) forgetting to properly ground myself before. Just sayin, as superior as the PC platform is, it's got too much working against it, in order to harness that power. Still, once you go PC, you never go back. I can't even look at Oblivion 360 anymore.
I had the same experience with Morrowind too, but my PC knowledge back then was so small, I probably overpaid damn near fivefold. Crafty Dell and their "Gettin one". But my "Omg PC gaming rox" revelation came when I saw the Chainmail on the Guard at the very beginning. On the Xbox, I swore it was like a leather tunic because of the ultra-low texture resolution. on the PC I was like OMG CHAINMAIL!!!!!!!!!
I agree 100%. The importance of good sound in games is often overlooked. It really has the potential to add to the immersion. We already know the music will be amazing, but hopefully all the other sounds will be good too
Yeah, sound is so overlooked lately. I could go into moar PC gaming stuff, since the difference in sound quality was night-and-day, but really everyone already knows. However, Morrowind and Oblivion had fairly bad sound-design. Morrowind especially, the weapon swinging sounded like a dog with emphysema barking. And the music cues were on a hair trigger. Blighted Rat that can't even move? COMMENCE OUR FINAL BATTLE!
Oblivion was just as guilty, almost making no progress in sound design from Morrowind. Seems like in Fallout 3 they finally got some progress going though. Dynamic Ambient Music, and especially, the haunting echo of a lone, unseen radio. Even to this day, walking into a building and hearing that is shiver-inducing goodness.