» Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:03 am
Ah, thought of some more:
Captain Jack Sparrow. No link because there are quite a few different outfits. Any would be fine. Generally piratiness.
http://rpggamer.org/uploaded_images/MalcolmReynolds13.jpg. (http://withfriendship.com/images/h/38639/malcolm-reynolds.jpg optional!) From Firefly, of course.
Speaking of Nathan Fillion, a http://www.heroinetv.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/captain-hammer.jpg would be awesome, from Dr. Horrible.
And speaking of Dr. Horrible, a http://www.justpressplay.net/images/stories/nphdrhorrible.jpg outfit just might be the most amazing thing ever.
The http://geektyrant.com/storage/post-images/Hunter%20Prey.png from Hunter Prey.
http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper332/stills/d9cshtqf.jpg, from Once Upon a Time in Mexico.
The http://www.officialrepostore.com/reposhop09/images/REPO_3932.jpg from Repo! The Genetic Opera.