Before Skyrim was released Tod said there were over a hundred activites. Now this games ground breaking but im not sure there are really over a 100 diffrent activites, could somone please show me that there are really over a hundred.
there are hundreds of quest and like 100 dungeons not to mention hunting smithing and mining you can cut wood and some quest are repeatable like the thieves guild mini jobs
I was hoping for some mini-games... Chess, checkers, cards, marbles, spear throwing contests, arenas, fist brawling tavern, mosh pit, staring, those sort of things...
In my mind quests and dungeons count as two activities, despite how many of them there are. The activities being "questing" and... and... "dungeon-ing"...
In my mind quests and dungeons count as two activities, despite how many of them there are. The activities being "questing" and... and... "dungeon-ing"...
there are hundreds of quest and like 100 dungeons not to mention hunting smithing and mining you can cut wood and some quest are repeatable like the thieves guild mini jobs
I meant that as in 100 Unique Activites, Dungeon raiding can count as one but not a hundred.