The subjects where shown a plank with one line,then shown three other planks with lines of different sizes ,only one of them being equal with the first one.
The subjects were introduced in a room one by one,with other 6 people(Asch's undercover people).
The first people (asch's people) intentionally gave an obvious wrong answer and last person(the genuine test subject) was asked to answer which was the equal sized line.
70% of all subjects gave in to peer pressure and answered as Asch's people ,when the correct size line was obvious to anyone.
When subjects did this alone 99% of them gave the right answer.
When they did it in the group, affected by peer pressure ,only 30% of them answered right.
If the numbers posted are not accurate don't blame me, they're from the manual issued by professors of SNSPA (a romanian uni) i've been studying for my sociology admitance exam on saturday.
The manual is approved of the ministry of education and research here.
The number of the "sample" is not known to me.
With 1000 people sample the accuracy of the percentage is +/- 5% ,if anyone knows the "sample" size please post it.
The correct line was obvious for even a small child,the difference between the one and the others being huge.