Over powered and too easy #2

Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:39 am

I know what he is complaining about and I said I would help him.

A displayed armour rating of 567 will cap at 80%. The displayed armour rating is dependent on several factors (base armour rating + shield rating + armour effects)

So if you find you are absorbing too much damage, look for a displayed rating around 300 or possibly a little less. There is some of math involved, but if he really wants to change his armour absorption, it can be done rather easily.

But if you can't be bothered, just stay ontop of your displayed AR and try not to go over 300. DON'T improve your armour too much, don't enchant with damage absorption and for crying out loud don't use dragon armour!!!

And yes you can increase your armour rating without even using a single piece. To get 80% absorption you would need around 667 displayed armour rating without any armour peices.

It is NOT GIMPING your player if you choose to lower your AR by neglecting certain skills and NOT wearing top tier enchanted armour. It's a game mechanic in use forever in TES series.
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:30 pm

The video author complains about armor rating, when there's more than three additional ways to render the player character, literally untouchable by anything in the game.

Anyways, in the Elder Scrolls series, you was always given the means to become a demigod, if you chose to be one. No matter how people want to look at it, it's a featured possibility, not an unwanted side-effect.

Others like it, others don't -in their own, fully respected right. To them, I recommend http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281/?.

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Alex Vincent
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:36 pm

Now I know you're trolling. You used a sentence to that describes exactly what the problem is then you said it wasnt gimping.

Thats exactly what gimping is. And so now you have to play a certain way if you dont want to be OP? lol you got it backwards my man

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