Ok, video's finally done processing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddtqyVeolb0
Before the complaints come in about this and that:
-There's a lot of text talking in that vid. None of you need to bother reading it because it's basically just what I said in the last thread. Feel free to do nothing but watch my health bar.
-Yes, I consider it quite boring too. It's merely meant to show me just loading up the game, fighting on Legendary so you can see the exact kind of damage I take with capped armor and magic resistance and me playing with an intent to...yknow, live?
-I literally just loaded up my most recent character file and hunted tougher enemies in areas I knew they frequented. The entire video is just one take: no reloads, no excess planning, no nothing. Yes, I would've liked to have found more mages or draugr, but they simply weren't there.
-Likewise, I just grabbed a character. This character is by no means "godlike" to the extent that it's clear I was TRYING to max stuff out: it just happened as a result of the character roleplay I had in mind. I wanted a pure warrior, he ended up being OP anyways even though he doesn't really touch stealth or magic. He svcks at everything that isn't a warrior skill, and hell due to some experimenting with the legendary skills system, he's sub-par with his armor and weapon too, but hasn't gotten a chance to utilize all those enchanting perks I grabbed.
-Keep in mind that this entire time, I could take a piece of two of my armor off and I'd have the polar opposite effect, with my character dropping dead almost immediately. That is part of the problem.
Having said that, if you don't want to watch the whole thing (understandable), then....
Jump to 4:30 to see Arch-mages
Jump to 7:00 to see a dragon
Jump to 9:00 for draugr deathlords with a dragon
Yknow what I would love? If people actually addressed my arguments themselves instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks because they can't actually provide a good argument to things I've said.
Hell, the ENTIRE reason I bothered to upload a video? My Tetris anology nobody dared touch was met with someone accusing me of lying about playing Legendary difficulty or how easy it was. I'll provide proof time and time again until people swallow this bitter pill, but I don't see why you seem so hesitant to criticize a part of a game you play. Heaven forbid we expect improvement for FO4 and TES 6.